

Liferay DXP is a robust platform with its own navigation menus, configuration methods, and core features. These core features are foundational to effective system administration, maintenance, notifications, and other core platform functions.

Deployment Approach
Creating Forms
Creating Forms You can create multi-field forms with the Forms application. Only authenticated users with the requisite Process Automation Permissions can create forms. At minimum, they should have...
Data de publicació: 26/04/2024 20:58
Using the Search Location Field
Using the Search Location Field Use a Search Location field so a user can interact with Google's Maps JavaScript API and Google Places API, selecting a location and getting these fields autofilled...
Data de publicació: 26/04/2024 20:58
Using Storage Adapters
Using Storage Adapters When a User adds a form record, Liferay routes the processing of the request through a storage adapter API. The same is true for the other CRUD operations performed on form...
Data de publicació: 26/04/2024 20:58
Translating Forms
Translating Forms Forms can be be translated and presented in any language that is currently enabled on the current site. To add a translation: Begin by viewing an existing form (e.g., Guest...
Data de publicació: 26/04/2024 20:58
Exporting and Importing Forms
Exporting and Importing Forms You can export all your forms as a LAR file and then import them into a different Site for reuse. See Exporting/Importing Site Pages and Content to learn about the...
Data de publicació: 26/04/2024 20:58
Customizing Auto-Save Behavior
Customizing Auto-Save Behavior The Forms application automatically saves the form creation progress as you create a form. By default, a form's draft is auto-saved every minute. To change the...
Data de publicació: 26/04/2024 20:58
Writing a Custom Form Field Type
Writing a Custom Form Field Type The Forms application contains many highly configurable field types out-of-the-box. Most use cases are met with one of the existing field types. If your use case...
Data de publicació: 26/04/2024 20:58
Writing a Custom Data Provider
Writing a Custom Data Provider Liferay Forms fields can be populated using a Data Provider. Out of the box, there's a REST Data Provider that provides a flexible way to consume data from most REST...
Data de publicació: 26/04/2024 20:58
Writing a Form Storage Adapter
Writing a Form Storage Adapter Available: Liferay DXP 7.3 and Liferay DXP 7.2 versions that include the fix for LPS-97208 (planned for Liferay DXP 7.2 SP3). By default, forms are stored as JSON in...
Data de publicació: 26/04/2024 20:58
Developing a Custom Form Field for Liferay 7.2
Developing a Custom Form Field for Liferay 7.2 React-based custom form fields can be developed for Liferay 7.3 and Liferay 7.4. See Writing Custom Form Field Types to learn how. Liferay 7.2 used a...
Data de publicació: 26/04/2024 20:58
APIs Coming soon!
Data de publicació: 26/04/2024 20:58
Workflow Task Node Reference
Workflow Task Node Reference As of DXP 2024.Q2/Portal 7.4 GA120, scripting is disabled by default. You can enable it in System Settings → Script Management (under the Security category). Tasks...
Data de publicació: 26/04/2024 20:58
Working with Workflow Context
Working with Workflow Context Workflows in Liferay are used as approval processes. At each step of the process, the workflow has certain data that's available in a Map object referred to in your...
Data de publicació: 26/04/2024 20:58
Introduction to Workflow
Introduction to Workflow Liferay DXP ships with a workflow engine that allows users to review and approve content such as Blogs, Web Content, Wikis before they are published. The Workflow...
Data de publicació: 26/04/2024 20:58
Activating Workflow
Activating Workflow You can activate a workflow process for an asset type either across the DXP instance or only on a specific site. When a workflow process is activated across the instance for a...
Data de publicació: 26/04/2024 20:58
Creating and Managing Publications
Creating and Managing Publications Liferay DXP/Portal 7.3+ With Publications, users can create instance-scoped blocks of changes. Because each publication is instance-scoped, they can be accessed...
Data de publicació: 26/04/2024 21:00
Comparing Publishing Tools
Comparing Publishing Tools Liferay provides two publishing tools for content creation and site building: Publications and Staging. Publications is recommended over Staging in nearly all use cases...
Data de publicació: 26/04/2024 21:00
Enabling Publications
Enabling Publications Available Liferay 7.3+ Publications provides a convenient and flexible way for you and your teams to develop, track, and publish changes. When enabled, Publications is...
Data de publicació: 26/04/2024 21:00
Collaborating on Publications
Collaborating on Publications Liferay 7.4+ By default, a publication can only be accessed by its creator. However, publication creators can invite other users to view, edit, and publish their...
Data de publicació: 26/04/2024 21:00
Publications Liferay DXP/Portal 7.3+ You can use Publications to develop, track, and publish changes across your DXP instance. It works by creating a database column to determine which version of...
Data de publicació: 26/04/2024 21:00



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