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Deployment Approach
Defining Categories and Vocabularies for Content
Defining Categories and Vocabularies for Content Using Categories, you can group similar assets and organize your content. Along with Tags, Categories help people find relevant information through...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:53 م
Geolocating Assets
Geolocating Assets Geolocation adds the geographic coordinates where an asset was created as metadata to an asset. This feature is provided as an optional field which can be included in a Web...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:53 م
Auto Tagging Images
Auto Tagging Images Once asset auto tagging has been enabled, you can also enable image auto tagging. Image auto tagging tags images uploaded to the Documents and Media Library. Currently, tags...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:53 م
Advanced Web Content API
Advanced Web Content API Using the Liferay DXP REST services, you can create and manage your Site's structured content. Structured content is Web Content that uses a Web Content Structure. A...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:53 م
Filtering and Sorting Web Content Articles
Filtering and Sorting Web Content Articles The web content application shows a list of all the web content articles you can access under the Web Content tab. The filtering and sorting options help...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:53 م
Assigning Permissions to Web Content Articles
Assigning Permissions to Web Content Articles With Liferay's permissions framework, you can control which users can create, view, and manage web content articles. You can set permissions for...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:53 م
Web Content Articles
Web Content Articles Web content articles are dynamic content entries that can be created, edited, and managed through Liferay’s built-in content management system (CMS). These articles are...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:53 م
What's New in Liferay DXP 7.3
What's New in Liferay DXP 7.3 The latest release of Liferay DXP includes many significant new features and improvements. These features will enhance how you build your site, analyze your site's...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:53 م



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