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Deployment Approach
Building Applications
Building Applications For maximum compatibility with all of Liferay's deployment options, you can combine Liferay's Objects, Client Extensions, and other features and tools to build real-world...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:54 م
Defining a Custom Data Schema
Defining a Custom Data Schema The ticketing application requires custom data fields and selections. You use Liferay objects and picklists to define a custom data schema. Creating Custom Picklists...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:55 م
Ticket Management with Cron Jobs
Ticket Management with Cron Jobs Use Cron jobs to automate managing tickets. For example, have a job to run at a regular schedule to delete any tickets that have a resolution type of duplicate or...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:55 م
Building a Custom Ticketing System
Building a Custom Ticketing System Liferay makes it easy for you to build digital solutions. For example, you can create a custom ticketing application with the styling and features needed for your...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:55 م
Data Frameworks
Data Frameworks :file: ../../landingpage_template.html :file: data-frameworks/landing.html
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:55 م
Building a Time Off Requester
Building a Time Off Requester Liferay 7.4+ With Liferay Objects, you can build entire applications without writing code or deploying modules. Here, you'll create a Time Off Request application...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:55 م
Accessing Custom Fields With Expandos
Accessing Custom Fields With Expandos When you need additional fields in your application, you can always add them in your service model definition and re-run Service Builder. This adds new columns...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:55 م
Asset Framework
Asset Framework The asset framework is behind many of Liferay's most powerful features. It provides tools for displaying and interacting with any type of content and data. For example, if you build...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:55 م
Expando Accessing Custom Fields with Expando
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:55 م
Cache :file: ../../landingpage_template.html :file: cache/landing.html
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:55 م
Enabling Assets
Enabling Assets Many of Liferay's applications (e.g. Blogs, Documents and Media, Message Boards, etc.) are asset-enabled out of the box. You can publish assets with the Asset Publisher widget or...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:55 م
Implementing an Item Selector
Implementing an Item Selector Item selectors are pop-up dialogs for selecting assets, such as documents, videos, or users. By configuring the item selector's criteria and defining its usage, you...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:55 م
Service Builder
Service Builder An application without reliable business logic or persistence isn't much of an application at all. Unfortunately, writing your own persistence code often takes a great deal of time....
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:55 م
Data Scopes
Data Scopes :file: ../../landingpage_template.html :file: data-scopes/landing.html
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:55 م
Adding Model Hints
Adding Model Hints Once you've used Service Builder to define model entities, you may want to refine how users enter that data. Model hints specify entity data restrictions and other formatting....
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:55 م
Configuring Global Service Options
Configuring Global Service Options A service's global options apply to all its entities. Here are the options: Dependency Injector Package path Multiversion concurrency control Namespace...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:55 م
Business Logic with Service Builder
Business Logic with Service Builder Once you've generated model, persistence, and service code with Service Builder, you can begin adding business logic. Entities generated by Service Builder...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:55 م
Defining Entity Columns
Defining Entity Columns An entity's columns represent its attributes. These attributes map table fields to Java object fields. Here you'll examine the sample project from Understanding and...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:55 م
Defining Entities
Defining Entities Entities are the heart and soul of a service. They represent the map between the model objects in Java and your database fields and tables. Service Builder automatically maps your...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:55 م
Defining Entity Finder Methods
Defining Entity Finder Methods Finder methods retrieve entity objects from the database based on specified parameters. For each finder defined, Service Builder generates several methods to fetch,...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:55 م
Modifying Database Fields in Development
Modifying Database Fields in Development As you develop an application, you might need to add fields to your database. This is a normal process of iterative development: you get an idea for a new...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:55 م
Defining Entity Relationships
Defining Entity Relationships Relationships between database entities or Java objects are necessary for most applications. Take Liferay's Message Boards application as an example. Each Message...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:55 م
Sorting Entity Instances
Sorting Entity Instances Often, you want to retrieve multiple instances of a given entity and list them in a particular order. The service.xml file lets you specify the default order of your...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:55 م
Invoking a Service Locally
Invoking a Service Locally Service Builder services that are deployed to DXP/Portal can be invoked from other classes in the same JVM. These services are local to the classes. Service Builder...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:55 م
Portlet IDs
Portlet IDs Below is a listing of the portlet IDs for the default portlets in Liferay DXP. You can use these IDs to embed portlets in your theme's sitemap. Collaboration PortletID...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:55 م
Portlet 3.0 API Opt In
Portlet 3.0 API Opt In A portlet must specify version 3.0 to opt in to the Portlet 3.0 API. The 3.0 Portlet API version can be specified in the following ways. Standard Portlet @PortletApplication...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:55 م
Service Builder Basics
Service Builder Basics Using Service Builder helps you learn it. You'll use it to learn the basics: Generating Model, Persistence, and Service Code: Define a basic model, generate code from it,...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:55 م
Using Bean Portlet
Using Bean Portlet Portlet 3.0, the JSR 362 standard, features a style of portlet development called Bean Portlets that use Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI). Bean Portlets fully leverage all...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:55 م
Generating Model, Persistence, and Service Code
Generating Model, Persistence, and Service Code Service Builder makes it easy to define models and generate model, persistence, and service code for them. You'll experience this by defining a model...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:55 م
Understanding and Extending Generated Classes
Understanding and Extending Generated Classes Service Builder generates both tables for your entity and model, persistence, and service classes for it. Here you'll examine generated classes for an...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:55 م
Multithreading Process
Multithreading Process Liferay DXP 7.4 U10+ or Liferay Portal 7.4 GA14+ Your Upgrade Processes may involve making complex changes to large data sets. If performance is critical, use the...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:55 م
Upgrade Processes
Upgrade Processes :file: ../../landingpage_template.html :file: upgrade-processes/landing.html
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:55 م
Portlet Descriptor to OSGi Service Property Map
Portlet Descriptor to OSGi Service Property Map Here's a map of portlet XML descriptor values to OSGi service properties for publishing OSGi Portlets. The properties centralize and simplify portlet...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:55 م
Upgrading Your Database Tables
Upgrading Your Database Tables Liferay DXP 7.4 U10+ or Liferay Portal 7.4 GA14+ An upgrade of your application may require making changes to your database tables. Liferay's Upgrade framework makes...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:55 م
Portlets Liferay DXP started off as a portal server for Java-based web applications called portlets (see JSR 168, JSR-286, and JSR-362). Portlets process requests and generate responses like any...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:55 م
Developing a Java Web Application
Developing a Java Web Application :file: ../landingpage_template.html :file: developing-a-java-web-application/landing.html
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:55 م
Reference :file: ../../landingpage_template.html :file: reference/landing.html
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:55 م
CDI Portlet Predefined Beans
CDI Portlet Predefined Beans Liferay DXP provides injectable portlet artifacts for CDI called Portlet Predefined Beans, as specified by JSR 362. There are two types of predefined beans: Portlet...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:55 م
Using JSF
Using JSF Liferay Faces is an umbrella project that provides support for the JavaServer[™] Faces (JSF) standard in Liferay DXP/Portal. Here are the Liferay Faces topics: Introduction to Liferay...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:55 م
Reference :file: ../../../landingpage_template.html :file: reference/landing.html
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:55 م
Reference :file: ../../../landingpage_template.html :file: reference/landing.html
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:55 م
Installing Patches
Installing Patches Subscribers The Patching Tool applies Fix Packs (including Security Fix Packs and Service Packs) for versions prior to Liferay DXP 7.3 SP3. It also applies Hotfixes for any DXP...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:54 م
Securing Liferay
Securing Liferay Liferay DXP is built with security in mind. This includes mitigation of common security vulnerabilities and exploits like those described by the OWASP Top 10 and the CWE/SANS Top...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:54 م
Authentication Basics
Authentication Basics By default, Liferay DXP uses the Sign In widget to authenticate users. The Sign In widget appears on the default home page at `http[s]://[server-name:port]/web/guest/home`....
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:54 م
Liferay Home
Liferay Home Liferay Home is the folder from which Liferay DXP/Portal launches applications, reads and applies configurations, loads JAR files, generates logs, and more. Liferay Home's location...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:54 م
System Properties
System Properties Liferay DXP/Portal runs in the application server's JVM. System properties can be passed directly to the JVM as arguments to java in the format -D[name1]=[value1] or can be loaded...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:54 م
Liferay Software Versions
Liferay Software Versions Starting with Liferay 7.4, Liferay adopted a rolling release model for delivering updates and fixes. This means Liferay 7.4 is a long living release with many releases for...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:54 م
SAML Settings
SAML Settings Many of the same fields appear in both the Service Provider and the Identity Provider configurations. Here's a reference. Name: Name the SP or IdP. This is just a descriptive name;...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:54 م
Importing User Groups' Memberships from an External IdP through SAML
Importing User Groups' Memberships from an External IdP through SAML This feature is currently behind a [dev feature...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:54 م
Configuring Liferay Authentication With Okta Using OpenId Connect
Configuring Liferay Authentication With Okta Using OpenId Connect This tutorial guides you through the basic steps needed to integrate Okta, your Identity Provider (IdP), with your environment...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:54 م
Configuring Liferay Authentication With Auth0 Using OpenId Connect
Configuring Liferay Authentication With Auth0 Using OpenId Connect This tutorial guides you through integrating Auth0, your Identity Provider (IdP), with your Liferay environment using OpenID...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:54 م
Setting Service Access Policies
Setting Service Access Policies Service Access Policies define what services or service methods can be invoked remotely. You can apply many of them at once to produce a combined effect. They are...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:54 م
Using Multi-Factor Authentication
Using Multi-Factor Authentication To enhance your installation's security, you should disable less secure, one-factor forms of authentication, such as Basic Auth, Digest Auth, and WebDAV. You can...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:54 م
Multi-Factor Authentication Checkers
Multi-Factor Authentication Checkers Liferay DXP 7.4 ships with two additional factor checkers for Multi-Factor Authentication. Both of them are disabled by default, because they're only useful in...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:54 م
Fast IDentity Online 2
Fast IDentity Online 2 Available: Liferay DXP/Portal 7.4+ The Fast IDentity Online 2 or FIDO2 standard allows for the use of biometrics (i.e., fingerprint readers), mobile devices, or other...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:54 م
Configuring Content Security Policy Headers
Configuring Content Security Policy Headers [Beta Feature](../../../system-administration/configuring-liferay/ Modern browsers use Content Security Policy HTTP...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:54 م
Configuring Unicast over TCP
Configuring Unicast over TCP If your network configuration or the geographical distance between cluster nodes prevents you from using UDP Multicast clustering, you can configure TCP Unicast. You...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:54 م
Configuring Cluster Link
Configuring Cluster Link Enabling Cluster Link activates distributed caching. The cache is distributed across multiple Liferay DXP nodes running concurrently. Cluster Link uses Ehcache replication....
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:54 م
Database Configuration for Cluster Nodes
Database Configuration for Cluster Nodes At minimum, nodes in a DXP cluster must be configured to share the same database (or database cluster) in order to function. Optimizations discussed here...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:54 م
Clustering for High Availability
Clustering for High Availability Liferay DXP can scale to serve everything from the smallest to the largest web sites. Out-of-the-box, it's configured optimally for a single server environment. If...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:54 م



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