
You can use the Search page to find content available on a Liferay site. This can be web content, knowledge base articles, documents, images, products, etc. The Search page contains a search bar and several facet widgets that you can use to refine your searches.

If using the Minium Accelerator, the Search page contains the Search Bar, Search Options, Search Results, Type Facet, Tag, Category, Site, Folder, User, and the Modified Facet widgets.


The Search Results widget supports Liferay’s Adaptive Media out-of-the-box. See Serving Device and Screen Optimized Media for more information.

The Search Page available out-of-the-box in the Minium accelerator.


The Search Bar widget is scoped to include Everything. This is necessary for displaying Products, since Products are created in Catalogs at the global level and are not Site-scoped.

Also, the Search Options widget is set to Allow Empty Searches. This allows customers to browse and filter all content visible to the Channel.



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