Applying Shipping Method Restrictions

You may need to apply a shipping restriction for your store to specific countries or regions. This means these countries are not available during the checkout process. These restrictions will apply to all shipping options for a particular shipping method. For example, restrictions applied to the Flat Rate shipping method will not apply to the Variable Rates shipping method.

To apply a restriction:

  1. Navigate to the Site AdministrationCommerceSettings.

  2. Click the Shipping Methods tab.

  3. Click any Shipping Method; in this example, Flat Rate.

  4. Click the Restrictions tab.

  5. Click the (+) button to add a new restriction.

  6. Check all the boxes for countries where you do not want to ship to; in this example; Antarctica and Bahrain.

  7. Click Add.

    Apply a shipping method restriction

Your store is now restricted from shipping to those countries. Repeat these steps for all the other shipping methods such as Variable Rate and FedEx. If you are customizing Liferay Commerce by adding additional carrier shipping methods (UPS, DHL, and so forth) through an extension point, you may want to include the same function to restrict delivery by region.



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