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Deployment Approach
Deploying and Promoting to Production
Deploying and Promoting to Production As Kyle begins to work on development with Liferay Cloud, he goes through his first full deployment process by deploying and promoting a simple widget module. ...
Julkaisupäivä: 26.4.2024 20:50
Setting Up the GitHub Repository
Setting Up the GitHub Repository Your first task after your Liferay Cloud account is provisioned is to set up the project's Git repository so you can deploy configurations as an administrator....
Julkaisupäivä: 26.4.2024 20:50
Using the Liferay Service's Shell
Using the Liferay Service's Shell Sometimes you need direct access to the system to see what's happening. Kyle wants to use the Liferay service's shell to view the directory structure and verify...
Julkaisupäivä: 26.4.2024 20:50
Cloud Development Lifecycle
Cloud Development Lifecycle Now you've configured your Liferay PaaS environment for a project like Delectable Bonsai's. Developers like Kyle use the Cloud console too, for everything from deploying...
Julkaisupäivä: 26.4.2024 20:50
Restoring Data from a Backup
Restoring Data from a Backup Kyle wants to start testing changes that could affect data on the site. Here, you'll restore a manual backup to recover data lost during a test. Create a Manual...
Julkaisupäivä: 26.4.2024 20:50
Adding Team Members to the Project
Adding Team Members to the Project Marcus has access to the Liferay Cloud console for the whole Delectable Bonsai project, but his staff member, Kyle, also needs access. Here, you'll learn how to...
Julkaisupäivä: 26.4.2024 20:50
Setting Up Automatic Deployment
Setting Up Automatic Deployment Kyle is able to begin developing and testing with Liferay Cloud, but it's easier if he can test his changes immediately after deployment. Here, you'll configure a...
Julkaisupäivä: 26.4.2024 20:50
Commerce Architect
Commerce Architect Liferay’s full-fledged Commerce offering comes with a host of product management, order management, inventory management, and pricing capabilities. This course continues the...
Julkaisupäivä: 26.4.2024 20:50
Setting Up Your Cloud Project
Setting Up Your Cloud Project After you have either an instance of Liferay SaaS or PaaS provisioned, your first task is to access the cloud console. In Liferay PaaS (self-managed), you use the...
Julkaisupäivä: 26.4.2024 20:50
Deploying and Managing a Microservice Client Extension Project
Deploying and Managing a Microservice Client Extension Project Kyle wants to start developing a custom application using a microservice client extension to help keep track of user-submitted...
Julkaisupäivä: 26.4.2024 20:50
Deploying Code to Liferay SaaS
Deploying Code to Liferay SaaS Now that you've accessed and started using the Cloud console, you're ready to deploy a client extension project to your Liferay SaaS instance. This module requires a...
Julkaisupäivä: 26.4.2024 20:50
Building the B2B Storefront
Building the B2B Storefront Now that you've finished building the B2C storefront for Clarity, your consumers can view products and place orders. However, Clarity's business customers have a...
Julkaisupäivä: 26.4.2024 20:50
Creating an Orders Page
Creating an Orders Page The Orders page displays a business customer's order history, including open orders. You can select a pending order to continue checking out, approve or reject it based on a...
Julkaisupäivä: 26.4.2024 20:50
Troubleshooting a Microservice in the Cloud Console
Troubleshooting a Microservice in the Cloud Console Previously, you tested using an object action client extension to log when a feedback entry is submitted in Liferay. Now, Kyle wants to add a...
Julkaisupäivä: 26.4.2024 20:50
Accessing the Liferay Cloud Console
Accessing the Liferay Cloud Console The Delectable Bonsai project has been provisioned, but Marcus and his staff must be granted access to it. Here, you'll access the Liferay Cloud console so you...
Julkaisupäivä: 26.4.2024 20:50
Using the CLI Tool
Using the CLI Tool Now that the Delectable Bonsai site is up and running on Liferay SaaS, Kyle is ready to start deploying client extensions the development team created. To get started, he needs...
Julkaisupäivä: 26.4.2024 20:50
Creating a Checkout Page
Creating a Checkout Page Before you can check out and submit an order, you must have a checkout page. This is also necessary for the mini cart fragment to work correctly. Creating a New Page ...
Julkaisupäivä: 26.4.2024 20:50
Creating a Product Details Page
Creating a Product Details Page The product details page displays all the information about a selected product. So far, you've only added the catalog page containing the product catalog, but you...
Julkaisupäivä: 26.4.2024 20:50
Commerce Roles Reference
Commerce Roles Reference Liferay includes four roles out-of-the-box for Commerce: account administrator, account member, buyer, and order manager. You can modify these roles or create additional...
Julkaisupäivä: 26.4.2024 20:49
Configuring the Commerce Notification Queue
Configuring the Commerce Notification Queue When channel events trigger notifications, Commerce logs them in the channel's Notification Queue tab with the Unsent status. By default, Liferay checks...
Julkaisupäivä: 26.4.2024 20:49
Users and Accounts
Users and Accounts Liferay Commerce provides specialized roles out of the box to satisfy e-commerce needs. These roles are included alongside the standard DXP roles and define basic user profiles...
Julkaisupäivä: 26.4.2024 20:49
Locale Options
Locale Options Liferay Commerce can be configured to work in different regions and languages. See the following articles to learn how to configure a store for regional variances in language,...
Julkaisupäivä: 26.4.2024 20:49
Store Management Permissions
Store Management Permissions With Liferay Commerce, you can use permissions to control access to Store Management applications and resources in the Commerce tab of the Global Menu (Global Menu). ...
Julkaisupäivä: 26.4.2024 20:50
Inventory Management Permissions
Inventory Management Permissions With Liferay Commerce, you can use permissions to control access to Inventory Management applications and resources in the Commerce tab of the Global Menu (Global...
Julkaisupäivä: 26.4.2024 20:50
Settings Permissions
Settings Permissions With Liferay Commerce, you can use permissions to control access to Settings applications in the Commerce tab of the Global Menu (Global Menu). Control access to Settings...
Julkaisupäivä: 26.4.2024 20:50
Automating Account Creation
Automating Account Creation To complete the onboarding flow, Delectable Bonsai wants to enable managers to create business accounts for approved applications easily. Each account should be named...
Julkaisupäivä: 26.4.2024 20:50
Managing Access to Data
Managing Access to Data Delectable Bonsai wants to ensure that all authorized users can submit distributor applications. They also want to allow a limited number of employees to view all submitted...
Julkaisupäivä: 26.4.2024 20:50
Adding Notification Actions
Adding Notification Actions Delectable Bonsai wants to improve visibility for new applications. They also want to automate updates for applicants, notifying them when their application is received,...
Julkaisupäivä: 26.4.2024 20:50
Adding the Form to the Apply Page
Adding the Form to the Apply Page By default, each object definition uses a layout for entry creation. Besides layouts, Liferay provides form fragments that you can map to custom objects for...
Julkaisupäivä: 26.4.2024 20:50
Adding Details to the Success Page
Adding Details to the Success Page When users submit a distributor application, the success page appears: Application Submission. Currently, this page only includes a banner image. Delectable...
Julkaisupäivä: 26.4.2024 20:50
Determining Data Entities
Determining Data Entities Here you'll create the Distributor Application object in four steps: Add the Distributor Application object Configure the object Add a custom field Publish the...
Julkaisupäivä: 26.4.2024 20:50
Setting Up the Application Evaluation Object
Setting Up the Application Evaluation Object When reviewing applications, Delectable Bonsai must store evaluation notes for each distributor application they receive. To achieve this, the...
Julkaisupäivä: 26.4.2024 20:50
Creating Picklists for Distributor Applications
Creating Picklists for Distributor Applications Delectable Bonsai wants to collect information to help them assess the relative value of each business opportunity. In this case, they want...
Julkaisupäivä: 26.4.2024 20:50
Adding the Relationship to Custom Layouts
Adding the Relationship to Custom Layouts Relationship fields appear automatically in an object's default layout; relationship tables do not. To test the relationship, update the custom layout for...
Julkaisupäivä: 26.4.2024 20:50
The Clarity Story
The Clarity Story Clarity's decentralized technical infrastructure and ineffective marketing website have led to inefficiencies, high maintenance costs, and slowing growth. Founded in 2010,...
Julkaisupäivä: 26.4.2024 20:50
Implementing Business Logic
Implementing Business Logic Business logic refers to the rules and processes that determine how an application behaves within a system to meet business needs. Implementing business logic...
Julkaisupäivä: 26.4.2024 20:50
Liferay Workspace
Liferay Workspace Liferay Workspace is an environment designed to handle the full development life cycle (i.e. create, build, deploy, test) for Liferay DXP projects. Because it is implemented with...
Julkaisupäivä: 26.4.2024 20:50
Clarity's Building Applications Requirements
Clarity's Building Applications Requirements Coming soon! Up Next: Deploying the Application
Julkaisupäivä: 26.4.2024 20:50
Module 2: Developer Setup
Module 2: Developer Setup This module was presented using slides for a live webinar audience. The formatting, presentation, and examples may differ from what is presented here as part of the...
Julkaisupäivä: 26.4.2024 20:50
Module 11: Performance Tuning
Module 11: Performance Tuning This module was presented using slides for a live webinar audience. The formatting, presentation, and examples may differ from what is presented here as part of the...
Julkaisupäivä: 26.4.2024 20:50



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