Virtual Product Reference

Configure unique Virtual Product settings in the Virtual sub-tab.


URLSet the Product’ file using a URL.
Select FileUse the Select button to choose from existing files in your document library or upload a new file for use.

You can only select one file for a Virtual Product.

Base Information

Activation StatusDetermine the order stage when the digital asset can be downloaded by the customer. For example, if it is set to Completed, the product is made available for download once the Order is completed.
DurationSet the number of days a customer can access and download the Product’s file; leaving this field 0 grants customers unlimited access.
Max Number of DownloadsSet the number of times a file can be downloaded; leaving this field 0 grants customers unlimited downloads.

If Product subscription is enabled, the subscription cycle duration overrides the Virtual Product’s duration value.


Enable SampleUse the checkbox to enable or disable a sample download for the Product.
Select Sample FileIf enabled, use the Select button to choose a sample file from your document library or upload a new file for use.
Sample File URLIf enabled, set the Product’ sample file using a URL.

You can only select one sample file for a Virtual Product.

Terms of Use

Enable Terms of UseUse the Toggle to enable or disable a Terms of Use document for the Product’s file.
Select Web ContentIf enabled, select an existing Web Content article to use.
Text EditorIf enabled, use the text editor to directly enter the terms of use.

Any selected Web Content article takes priority over terms added in the text editor.



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