Notification Template Variables Reference Guide

When creating notification templates, you can use variables to populate email fields dynamically with data from the triggering channel event. Select a notification template Type to view its variables. This determines which channel events trigger the notification.

Select a notification template type.

After selecting a type, you can view its variables and their descriptions by expanding Definition of Terms in the Email Settings and Email Content sections. Examples include the customer’s name, order ID, shipping and billing addresses, list of order items, and more.

Use these variables in the body of the email.

Email Settings

Use these variables in the Email Settings field.

[%ACCOUNT_ROLE_ORDER_MANAGER%]Order manager(s) for the account that placed the order
[%ORDER_CREATOR%]User who created the order
[%ACCOUNT_ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR%]Account administrator(s) for the account that placed the order
[%USER_GROUP_NAME%]Name of a user group. Replace NAME with the user group name (e.g., for user group Sales Consultants, enter [%USER_GROUP_Sales Consultants%])

Order Based Notification Template Types

Use these variables to include order-related information in email notifications.

Channels have six types of notification templates for order events:

  1. Order Placed

  2. Order Processing

  3. Order Awaiting Shipment

  4. Order Partially Shipped

  5. Order Shipped

  6. Order Completed

[%ORDER_ITEMS%]A table listing all items in the order
[%ORDER_SHIPPING_ADDRESS%]Order’s shipping address
[%ORDER_BILLING_ADDRESS%]Order’s billing address
[%ORDER_ID%]Order ID
[%ORDER_TOTAL%]Order’s total excluding tax
[%ORDER_DATE%]Date when the order was placed
[%ORDER_CURRENCY_SYMBOL%]Currency symbol of the order (Example: $, £)
[%ORDER_SHIPPING_WITH_TAX_TOTAL%]Order’s total shipping cost including tax
[%ORDER_EXTERNAL_REFERENCE_CODE%]Order’s external reference code
[%ORDER_URL%]Order’s URL
[%PAYMENT_TERMS_DESCRIPTION%]Payment terms attached to the order
[%ORDER_PAYMENT_METHOD%]Order’s payment method
[%ORDER_TAX_TOTAL%]Total tax for the order
[%ORDER_WITH_TAX_TOTAL%]Total amount for the order including tax
[%ORDER_CREATOR_USER_FIRST_NAME%]First name of the user who created the order
[%ORDER_SHIPPING_OPTION%]Order’s shipping option
[%ORDER_CREATOR_USER_LAST_NAME%]Last name of the user who created the order
[%DELIVERY_TERMS_DESCRIPTION%]Delivery terms attached to the order
[%ORDER_CREATOR%]User who created the order
[%ORDER_CURRENCY_CODE%]Currency code of the order (Example: USD, GBP)
[%ORDER_CREATOR_USER_TITLE%]Title of the user who created the order
[%ORDER_SHIPPING_TOTAL%]Order’s total shipping cost excluding tax

Subscription Based Notification Template Types

Use these variables to include subscription related information in email notifications.

Channels have four types of notification templates for subscription events:

  1. Subscription Renewed

  2. Subscription Activated

  3. Subscription Suspended

  4. Subscription Canceled

[%PRODUCT_NAME%]Product Name
[%ORDER_CREATOR%]User who created the order
[%ORDER_ID%]Order ID



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