Clay Management Toolbar

The Management Toolbar gives administrators control over search container results in their apps. It lets you filter, sort, and choose a view type for search results, so you can quickly identify the document, web content, asset entry, or whatever you’re looking for. The Management Toolbar is fully customizable, so you can implement all the controls or just the ones your app requires.

The Management ToolBar lets the user customize how the app displays content.

To create a management toolbar, use the clay:management-toolbar taglib. The toolbar contains a few key sections. Each section is grouped and configured using different attributes. These attributes are described in more detail below.

Using a Display Context to Configure the Management Toolbar

If you’re using a Display Context—a separate class to configure your display options for your management toolbar—to define all or some of the configuration options for the toolbar, you can specify the Display Context with the displayContext attribute. An example is shown below:

    displayContext="<%= viewUADEntitiesManagementToolbarDisplayContext %>"

You can see an example use case of a Display Context in Filtering and Sorting Items with the Management Toolbar. A Display Context is not required for a management toolbar’s configuration. You can provide as much or as little of the configuration options for your management toolbar through the Display Context as you like.

Checkbox and Actions

The actionDropdownItems, itemsTotal, searchContainerId, and selectable attributes let you include a checkbox in the toolbar to select all search container results and run bulk actions on them. Actions and total items display when an individual result is checked, or when the master checkbox is checked in the toolbar.

actionDropdownItems: The list of drop-down items to display when a result is checked or the master checkbox in the Management Toolbar is checked. You can select multiple results between pages. The Management Toolbar keeps track of the number of selected results for you.

itemsTotal: The total number of items across pagination. This number appears when one or multiple items are selected.

searchContainerId: The ID of the search container connected to the Management Toolbar

selectable: Whether to include a checkbox in the Management Toolbar

An example configuration is shown below:

    new JSPDropdownItemList(pageContext) {
            dropdownItem -> {

            dropdownItem -> {

            dropdownItem -> {

Action items are listed in the Actions menu, along with the number of items selected across pagination.

Actions are also listed in the Management Toolbar's dropdown menu when an item, multiple items, or the master checkbox is checked.

If an action has an icon specified, such as the Delete and Download actions in the example above, the icon is displayed next to the action menu as well.

The Management Toolbar keeps track of the results selected and displays the actions to execute on them.

Filtering and Sorting Search Results

The filterItems, sortingOrder, and sortingURL attributes let you filter and sort search container results. Filtering and sorting are grouped together in one convenient dropdown menu.

filterItems: Sets the search container’s filtering options. This filter should be included in all control panel applications. Filtering options can include sort criteria, sort ordering, and more.

filterLabelItems: Sets the search container’s filter labels to display. This lets the user know which filters are currently applied.

sortingOrder: The current sorting order: ascending or descending.

sortingURL: The URL to change the sorting order

The example below adds two filter options and two sorting options:

    new DropdownItemList(_request) {
                dropdownGroupItem -> {
                        new DropdownItemList(_request) {
                                    dropdownItem -> {
                                        dropdownItem.setLabel("Filter 1");

                                    dropdownItem -> {
                                        dropdownItem.setLabel("Filter 2");
                    dropdownGroupItem.setLabel("Filter By");

                dropdownGroupItem -> {
                        new DropdownItemList(_request) {
                                    dropdownItem -> {
                                        dropdownItem.setLabel("Order 1");

                                    dropdownItem -> {
                                        dropdownItem.setLabel("Order 2");
                    dropdownGroupItem.setLabel("Order By");
  new LabelItemList() {
        labelItem -> {
          labelItem.setLabel("Filter 1");

        labelItem -> {
          labelItem.setLabel("Filter 2");

You can also sort and filter search container results.

You can also sort and filter search container results.

Search Form

The clearResultsURL, searchActionURL, searchFormName, searchInputName, and searchValue attributes let you configure the search form. The main portion of the Management Toolbar is reserved for the search form.

clearResultsURL: The URL to reset the search

searchActionURL: The action URL to send the search form

searchFormName: The search form’s name

searchInputName: The search input’s name

searchValue: The search input’s value

An example configuration is shown below:

    clearResultsURL="<%= searchURL %>"
    disabled="<%= isDisabled %>"
    itemsTotal="<%= itemsTotal %>"
    namespace="<%= renderResponse.getNamespace() %>"
    searchActionURL="<%= searchURL %>"
    searchInputName="<%= DisplayTerms.KEYWORDS %>"
    searchValue="<%= ParamUtil.getString(request, searchInputName) %>"
    selectable="<%= false %>"

The search form comprises most of the Management Toolbar, letting users search through the search container results.

Info Panel

The infoPanelId and showInfoButton attributes let you add a retractable sidebar panel that displays additional information related to a search container result.

infoPanelId: The ID of the info panel to toggle

showInfoButton: Whether to show the info button

In the example configuration below, the showInfoButton attribute is provided in the Display Context—specified with the displayContext attribute—and the infoPanelId is explicitly set in the JSP:

    displayContext="<%= journalDisplayContext %>"
    namespace="<%= renderResponse.getNamespace() %>"
    searchContainerId="<=% searchContainerId %>"

The info panel keeps your UI clutter-free.

View Types

The viewTypes attribute specifies the display options for the search container results. There are three display options to choose from:

Cards: Displays search result columns on a horizontal or vertical card.

The Management Toolbar's icon display view gives a quick summary of the content's description and status.

List: Displays a detailed description along with summarized details for the search result columns.

The Management Toolbar's List view type gives the content's full description.

Table: The default view. Lists the search result columns from left to right.

The Management Toolbar's Table view type list the content's information in individual columns.

An example configuration is shown below:

    new JSPViewTypeItemList(pageContext, baseURL, selectedType) {
        		viewTypeItem -> {

        		viewTypeItem -> {

        		viewTypeItem -> {

While the example above shows how to configure the view types in the JSP, you must also specify when to use each view type.

The Management Toolbar offers three view type options.

Creation Menu

The creationMenu attribute creates an add menu button for one or multiple items. It’s used for creating new entities (e.g. a new blog entry).

Use the addPrimaryDropdownItem() method to add the top level items to the dropdown menu, or use the addFavoriteDropdownItem() method to add secondary items to the dropdown menu.

The example configuration below adds two primary creation menu items and two secondary creation menu items:

    new JSPCreationMenu(pageContext) {
  					dropdownItem -> {
  						dropdownItem.setLabel("Sample 1");

  					dropdownItem -> {
  						dropdownItem.setLabel("Sample 2");

  					dropdownItem -> {
  						dropdownItem.setLabel("Favorite 1");

  					dropdownItem -> {
  						dropdownItem.setLabel("Other item");

The Management Toolbar lets you optionally add a Creation Menu for creating new entities.



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