Canceling a Shipment

If a buyer cancels an order before it is shipped, the seller may cancel the shipment in Liferay Commerce. Note that cancelling a shipment does not close an order. Managing an order’s status is done on the Orders menu in the Control Panel.

To cancel a shipment:

  1. Navigate to the Control PanelCommerceShipments.

  2. Click the 3-dot icon next to the shipment to be canceled (for example, 42498).

    Delete Button

  3. Click Delete.

  4. Click OK in the confirmation window.

The shipment has been canceled.

Shipment has been deleted

Canceling a shipment changes the status in the Transmitted tab in the Orders menu.

Updated Transmitted Tab

Note that if a new shipment is created from the same order, a new shipment number is generated (for example, 42888).



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