Filtering and Sorting Web Content Articles

The web content application shows a list of all the web content articles you can access under the Web Content tab. The filtering and sorting options help you find and review items faster.

You can filter web content articles from the web content application and order the articles to get a more precise result

When viewing all assets, assets in a specific folder, assets resulting from a web content search, or in the Web Content view of an Asset Library, you can use four different filter and sort options. In addition, as of Liferay DXP 2024.Q1+/Portal 7.4 GA112+, you can filter web content articles through highlighted web content structures and search for keywords only in the title, comments, or all fields:

You can combine (single or multiple) filters and order your results for an enhanced experience. For example, if you select the Product Advertisement Blog Post highlighted structure and the Mine, Draft, order by Title, and the Ascending order filters, you obtain a list of your articles that use the Product Advertisement Blog Post web content structure, are in Draft status, and are ordered by title in ascending alphabetical order.


(Breaking Change) All filtering options apply exclusively to the current folder or highlighted structure. Web content articles located elsewhere are not included in the filtered results.

If you initiate a new search, the filters reset, and the search extends to all assets in the folder.

Filter by Highlighted Web Content Structure

Liferay DXP 2024.Q1+/Portal 7.4 GA112+

You can select web content structures and see only web content articles that belong to those selected structures. To choose which structures to highlight,

  1. Open the Site Menu (Site Menu), expand Content & Data, and click Web Content.

  2. Click Options (Options icon) at the top right corner and select Configuration.

  3. Under Settings, select Structures and click Select to choose structures to highlight.

    In the Configuration menu, select the structures you want to  highlight

  4. Select the structures you want to highlight and click Add.

With the highlighted structures selected, a menu appears on the left with the Content Library option and the selected structures under the Highlighted Structures section.

The Content Library option shows all web content articles and their folder hierarchy whereas the highlighted structure shows all articles using that specific structure regardless of folder hierarchy.

View all web content articles within their folder structure or filter articles by selecting the highlighted structure.

Filter by Navigation

When you filter by navigation, you filter the web content articles you have permission to view in the selected folder or highlighted structure.

Liferay DXP 2024.Q1+/Portal 7.4 GA112+ You can apply a single filter or multiple filters. You can also select multiple categories/tags.

Filter OptionDescription
AllAll web content articles and folders.
MineWeb content articles created by the logged-in user.
RecentRecent web content articles created by the logged-in user and ordered by creation date. The content is organized in sections based on their creation dates, including today, the last 7 days, the last 30 days, and older content. The order by option is unavailable when using this filter.
StructuresFilters web content articles based on web content structure.
Liferay DXP 2024.Q1+/GA112+ CategoriesFilters web content articles based on category.
Liferay DXP 2024.Q1+/GA112+ TagsFilters web content articles based on assigned tags.

Liferay DXP 2024.Q1+/Portal 7.4 GA112+ By default, the Mine filter is ordered by create date. This way, you can see the most recent articles first.

Filter by Status

When you filter by status, you filter the web content articles you have permission to view in the selected folder based on their publication status.

Filter OptionDescription
AnyAll web content articles, regardless of publication status.
DraftAll web content articles that have been saved but not published.
Liferay DXP 2024.Q1+/GA112+ ApprovedAll web content articles with Approved status.
Liferay DXP 2024.Q1+/GA112+ ExpiredAll web content articles with Expired status.
Liferay DXP 2024.Q1+/GA112+ ScheduledAll web content articles with Scheduled status.

(Breaking Change) Prior to Liferay DXP 2024.Q1+/Portal 7.4 GA112+, the Approved, Expired, and Scheduled filters were called With Approved/Expired/Scheduled Versions and returned any web content with at least one version in the selected status.

Filter by Type

When you filter by type, you filter the web content articles you have permission to view in the selected folder and choose to view all versions or only the last versions of the web content articles.

Filter OptionDescription
Liferay DXP 2024.Q1+/GA112+ Web ContentWeb content articles’ latest versions.
Liferay DXP 2024.Q1+/GA112+ VersionsAll web content articles’ versions.

Order by

These options sort the screen content based on the selected criteria. You can use these after using one of the content filters to organize the filter results.

Filter OptionDescription
Display DateSorts web content articles by the last display date.
Modified DateSorts web content articles by the last modification date.
Create DateSorts web content articles by their creation date.
TitleSorts web content articles alphabetically.
Liferay DXP 2024.Q1+/GA112+ AscendingSorts the applied filter’s result in ascending order.
Liferay DXP 2024.Q1+/GA112+ DescendingSorts the applied filter’s result in descending order.

Filter Search Results

Once you use the search bar to search for specific keywords, use these options to further enhance your search results.

Filter OptionDescription
All FieldsSearches for the keywords in all fields of web content articles.
Title OnlySearches for the keywords only in the titles of web content articles.
CommentsSearches for the keywords only in the comments of web content articles.

You can search for keywords in all fields, only in the title, or in the comments of web content articles to make your search process even more accurate.



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