Enabling Commerce Products as Related Assets

Commerce Products can be connected to other assets in Liferay Commerce by using the Related Assets relationship.


Liferay DXP 7.4+ does not support Commerce Products as Related Assets.

Configure the Asset Browser to Search the Database

  1. Navigate to [Liferay Home]\osgi\marketplace\. For more information about Liferay Home folder, see Liferay Home.
  2. Find the Liferay Web Experience - Liferay Asset - Impl.lpkg then open it with an archive manager.
  3. In the archive manager window, open the com.liferay.asset.browser.web.jar.
  4. Using a text editor, open the portlet.properties file.
  5. Set search.with.database=true and update the jar.
  6. Restart the application server.

Performing a search reindex may be necessary for Commerce Products to appear as a Related Asset option when editing content.

Execute a Reindex

Execute a reindex to ensure that the Related Assets are populated in the filter.

  1. Navigate to the Control PanelConfigurationSearch.
  2. Click Reindex next to All Search Indexes.

Verify the Availability of Commerce Products

Commerce Products are available on all Liferay DXP sites by default, so you must change the Filter to Global.

  1. Click on Site AdministrationContentWeb Content.

  2. Click the (Add icon) icon then Basic Web Content.

  3. Scroll down to the Related Assets section.

  4. Click Select.

  5. Click Commerce Product.

    Select Commerce Product in the Related Assets section.

  6. Click Filter and Order then Global.

    Select the Global filter to view Commerce products.

  7. Click the product.

Commerce Products are now available as Related Assets.



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