

Liferay DXP is a robust platform with its own navigation menus, configuration methods, and core features. These core features are foundational to effective system administration, maintenance, notifications, and other core platform functions.

Deployment Approach
Using Workflow Metrics
Using Workflow Metrics Subscription This feature works [only with Elasticsearch](../../../using-search/installing-and-upgrading-a-search-engine/solr/ Workflow Metrics gives...
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Reviewing Assets
Reviewing Assets When an asset's workflow is activated, one or more users must review it before publication. You can assign workflow review processes to specific users or to a particular Role (for...
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Using Workflows
Using Workflows Activating Workflow Reviewing Assets Using Workflow Metrics Workflow Metrics Reports
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Process Automation
Process Automation :file: ./landingpage_template.html :file: process-automation/landing.html
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Creating Forms
Creating Forms You can create multi-field forms with the Forms application. Only authenticated users with the requisite Process Automation Permissions can create forms. At minimum, they should have...
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Customizing the Submit Button
Customizing the Submit Button Available 7.4+ When a User is finished entering data into a form, they must submit the form. By default a button that says Submit is displayed for this purpose. ...
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Customizing Form Layouts
Customizing Form Layouts By default, new elements on your form are added to a new row and occupy the entire width of the form. Form with all elements occupying entire width of form. Sometimes it...
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Creating and Managing Forms
Creating and Managing Forms Creating Forms Customizing Form Layouts Reusing Sets of Form Elements Providing Help Text and Predefined Values Building Forms with Conditional Fields Validation...
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Forms :file: ../landingpage_template.html :file: forms/landing.html
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Forms Field Types Reference
Forms Field Types Reference The Liferay Forms application contains lots of field types and elements to add to your forms. To discover the available elements, Open the Product Menu (Product Menu)...
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Using the Search Location Field
Using the Search Location Field Use a Search Location field so a user can interact with Google's Maps JavaScript API and Google Places API, selecting a location and getting these fields autofilled...
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Providing Help Text and Predefined Values
Providing Help Text and Predefined Values Form fields can be configured to have help text, placeholder text, and predefined values that assist users in understanding and filling out a form. Help...
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Forms Permissions Reference
Forms Permissions Reference This article serves as a guide for all permissions associated with the Forms application. Form Widget Permissions Navigate to the site page where the Form widget has...
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Writing a Custom Form Field Type
Writing a Custom Form Field Type The Forms application contains many highly configurable field types out-of-the-box. Most use cases are met with one of the existing field types. If your use case...
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Writing a Form Storage Adapter
Writing a Form Storage Adapter Available: Liferay DXP 7.3 and Liferay DXP 7.2 versions that include the fix for LPS-97208 (planned for Liferay DXP 7.2 SP3). By default, forms are stored as JSON in...
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Creating Display Templates
Creating Display Templates For every data definition, you can create as many displays as you need. If you’ve created a Form Template that doesn’t show all the fields of a particular data definition...
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Creating Form Templates
Creating Form Templates Form Templates control how the data entry form appears for a data definition. To create a new Form Template, Navigate to Content & Data → Dynamic Data Lists. Click the...
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Dynamic Data Lists
Dynamic Data Lists :::: 2 :gutter: 3 3 3 3 ::: Migrating to Liferay Objects :link: ./dynamic-data-lists/ ::: ::: Getting Started with Dynamic Data Lists :link:...
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Managing Form Entries
Managing Form Entries Once users begin submitting form entries, you can access the form entry data through the UI or export the data to a different file format for further analysis and review. ...
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Form Reports
Form Reports 7.3, 7.4 Once users begin submitting form entries, you can access a field-by-field report on the form's records: Navigate to the Forms application. In the Product Menu (Product...
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Enabling CAPTCHA on Form Submissions
Enabling CAPTCHA on Form Submissions CAPTCHA can be enabled to deter automated form submissions. To enable CAPTCHA: Click the form's Options button (Options) and select Settings. Navigate to...
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Redirecting Users on Form Submission
Redirecting Users on Form Submission By default, when a user submits a form response, they are directed to a success page. This behavior can be configured to instead redirect a user to a specific...
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Creating Notification Templates
Creating Notification Templates Liferay 7.4 2023.Q4+/GA102+ With Notification Templates, you can design automated email and user notifications for Liferay services. Each template identifies a...
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Managing Workflows
Managing Workflows With the workflow framework, Users manage asset publication in custom-built workflow processes. Users with permission to access workflow process definitions in the Control Panel...
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Using the Notification Queue
Using the Notification Queue Liferay 7.4 U75+/GA75+ Liferay provides the Notification Queue application for reviewing email notifications triggered by an Object action. You can verify the status...
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Designing and Managing Workflows
Designing and Managing Workflows Building Workflows Managing Workflows Workflow Designer Workflow Designer Overview Workflow Nodes Creating Workflow Tasks Configuring Workflow Actions and...
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Building Workflows
Building Workflows Coming soon!
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Forms Configuration Reference
Forms Configuration Reference Here's an overview of all the Forms configurations so you can quickly find a configuration you need. Forms Options You can export and import forms between Sites. To...
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Building Forms with Conditional Fields
Building Forms with Conditional Fields Forms can become dynamic forms where the answer to one question may allow the respondent to skip the next three questions, or require the respondent to answer...
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Using Storage Adapters
Using Storage Adapters When a User adds a form record, Liferay routes the processing of the request through a storage adapter API. The same is true for the other CRUD operations performed on form...
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Translating Forms
Translating Forms Forms can be be translated and presented in any language that is currently enabled on the current site. To add a translation: Begin by viewing an existing form (e.g., Guest...
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Exporting and Importing Forms
Exporting and Importing Forms You can export all your forms as a LAR file and then import them into a different Site for reuse. See Exporting/Importing Site Pages and Content to learn about the...
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Customizing Auto-Save Behavior
Customizing Auto-Save Behavior The Forms application automatically saves the form creation progress as you create a form. By default, a form's draft is auto-saved every minute. To change the...
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Reusing Sets of Form Elements
Reusing Sets of Form Elements Forms often request the same sets of information, such as name, birthday, and address. Rather than adding these fields for every new form, you can group elements as a...
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Validation Conditions Reference
Validation Conditions Reference There are several out-of-the-box validation conditions that can be used to validate form responses before they are submitted. Text Field Validation Conditions...
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Validation and Masking
Validation and Masking Certain Forms fields can be validated (Text, Date, and Numeric fields) and masked (Numeric fields) to ensure User input is valid. Date Fields can be validated beginning in...
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Data Providers
Data Providers Data Providers Overview Using the REST Data Provider to Populate Form Options
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Writing a Custom Data Provider
Writing a Custom Data Provider Liferay Forms fields can be populated using a Data Provider. Out of the box, there's a REST Data Provider that provides a flexible way to consume data from most REST...
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Developing a Custom Form Field for Liferay 7.2
Developing a Custom Form Field for Liferay 7.2 React-based custom form fields can be developed for Liferay 7.3 and Liferay 7.4. See Writing Custom Form Field Types to learn how. Liferay 7.2 used a...
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Developer Guide
Developer Guide Forms Writing a Custom Form Field Type Understanding Form Storage Adapters Writing a Custom Data Provider Writing a Form Storage Adapter Developing a Custom Form Field for...
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APIs Coming soon!
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Migrating to Liferay Objects
Migrating to Liferay Objects Dynamic Data Lists is deprecated and scheduled for removal by the end of 2024. To prevent data loss and achieve the same functionality, please migrate your structures...
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Example: Using Hidden Fields with Form Rules
Example: Using Hidden Fields with Form Rules Configure Forms fields as hidden in the Advanced configuration tab. Hide fields using the advanced setting. There's a hidden field in this form. It...
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Form Rules Overview
Form Rules Overview Forms can be dynamic, where the answer to one question changes the rest of the form. One answer may allow skipping the next three questions, while another requires answering...
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Using the Autofill Rule
Using the Autofill Rule The autofill rule filters a form field's options based on pre-configured conditions. If you already have a data provider enabled, the autofill rule is the next step in...
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Form Rules
Form Rules Form Rules Overview Using The Autofill Rule Using the Calculate Rule Using the Enable Disable Rule Using the Jump to Page Rule Using The Require Rule Using the Show Hide Rule ...
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Kaleo Forms
Kaleo Forms Kaleo Forms is deprecated as of Liferay 7.4 2023.Q3. Use business processes for Liferay Objects (i.e., objects, workflow, and form container fragments) instead. Liferay's Kaleo Forms...
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Introduction to Forms
Introduction to Forms Liferay Forms gives you robust form building capability so you can gather user data that you need (for example, customer feedback, a job application). The application can be...
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Using the Show-Hide Rule
Using the Show-Hide Rule Users can use a Show action show a field if a condition is met. Otherwise, this field is hidden. This example uses a camp registration form with two text fields: I am...
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Sharing Forms and Managing Submissions
Sharing Forms and Managing Submissions Sharing Forms Managing Form Entries Form Reports Configuring Form Notifications Using Forms with a Workflow Enabling CAPTCHA on Form Submissions ...
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Kaleo Forms
Kaleo Forms Kaleo Forms
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Workflow Designer Overview
Workflow Designer Overview Subscription The Process Builder's workflow designer is a graphical interface for creating workflow process definitions. The convenient drag and drop interface makes...
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Configuring Personal Notifications
Configuring Personal Notifications Liferay provides integrated notification tools, so you can ensure users are alerted to platform events. Users can customize which notifications they receive by...
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Using Forms with a Workflow
Using Forms with a Workflow The Forms application is integrated with the Workflow application and therefore users can activate a workflow process for a form. This means that before a form's entry...
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Sharing Forms
Sharing Forms There are two ways to share a form: Placing the Form widget on a site page and configuring the widget to display the particular form. This allows the form to be seen and submitted...
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Workflow Nodes
Workflow Nodes Subscription A Workflow Node represents a specific point in an approval process, whether it begins the review process, approves or rejects the asset, or reassigns the task. Below...
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Using Forks and Joins
Using Forks and Joins Subscription Here you'll learn how to use the Fork, Join and Join XOR nodes. These nodes are useful for workflow processes that have multiple reviewers like the...
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Developer Guide
Developer Guide Implementing Workflow Implementing a Custom SLA Calendar Using The Script Engine in Workflow Crafting XML Workflow Definitions Workflow Definition Node Reference Workflow...
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APIs Coming soon!
Data de publicació: 26/04/2024 20:58
APIs Coming soon!
Data de publicació: 26/04/2024 20:58



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