Audit Event Types Reference

The EventTypes class lists the different event categories logged by the audit framework. It specifies the action performed on the resource listed in the audit application. There are 10 event types logged by the audit framework.

Event TypeSupported ResourcesDescription
ADDOrganization, Role, User, UserGroupThe listed resource has been added.
ASSIGNOrganization, Role, User, UserGroupThe resource has been assigned to something; for example, a role assigned to a user.
DELETEOrganization, Role, User, UserGroupThe listed resource was deleted.
IMPERSONATEUserA user was impersonated.
LOGINUserA user has logged in.
LOGIN_DNEUserThe username does not exist.
LOGIN_FAILUREUserA login failed.
LOGOUTUserA user has logged out.
UNASSIGNOrganization, Role, User, UserGroupThe resource has been unassigned from something; for example, a role removed from a user.
UPDATEAddress, Contact, Organization, Role, User, UserGroupThe listed resource was updated.



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