Downloading and Uploading Backups

The Liferay Cloud backup service creates backups of an environment’s database and the full contents of the Liferay instance’s LIFERAY_HOME/data folder. This content is stored as archive files (.gz and .tgz respectively) and can be downloaded via the Liferay Cloud console.

Users can also download or upload environment backups using the Liferay Cloud Console, or through Backup APIs.


The Backups page is only available in production environments for backup service versions older than 4.3.5.

Downloading Backups via the CLI Tool

Requires CLI tool version 3.12.0+, backup service version 5.9.0+, and Liferay service version 5.3.0+

You can use the CLI tool to download backups directly, including both the database and document library volume.

Run this command using a specific backup’s ID to download its database and document library simultaneously:

lcp backup download --backupId [ID]

There are three optional command line switches:

--database specifies downloading only the database.

--doclib specifies downloading only the document library.

--concurrency defines the number of files to download in parallel (up to 10,000).

Here’s an example of using multiple switches:

lcp backup download --backupId [ID] --doclib --concurrency 500

The optimal number of files to download concurrently varies depending on your system and network specifications. The --concurrency flag only affects downloads for the document library because the database is downloaded as a single file.

Uploading Backups via the CLI Tool

Requires CLI tool version 3.12.0+, backup service version 5.9.0+, and Liferay service version 5.3.0+


Database table and column names are case sensitive in Liferay Cloud. Ensure that the table names are in Pascal case before uploading your database. See Ensuring Correct Table Capitalization for more information.

Run this command to upload a backup with both a database and document library:

lcp backup upload --project [Project name] --environment [Environment] --doclib [Path to document library folder] --database [Path to database .gz file]

You must create and compress a database dump to a .gz archive to upload it.

You can also add the --concurrency flag with a number of streams to upload in parallel (up to 10,000).

Preparing the Database and Document Library for Upload

To upload a backup of your environment to Liferay Cloud, you must have the database prepared in its own archive file. For backup service versions before 5.9.0, you must also compress the document library in a separate archive file.

Creating the Database File

To create a MySQL dump (as a .sql script) and compress it into a .gz archive, run these commands:

mysqldump -uroot -ppassword --add-drop-database --databases lportal | gzip -c | cat > database.gz

If your Backup service is not updated to at least version 4.2, you must also run the following command to convert the archive to a .tgz file: tar zcvf database.tgz database.gz. Then use the resulting .tgz archive to upload.

The --databases and --add-drop-database flags are necessary for backup restoration to work correctly. You can also use the /backup/download API to see how the backup service creates its MySQL dump file.

With these options, the resulting dump file contains the following code just before the create table statements.

-- Current Database: `lportal`

/*!40000 DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS `lportal`*/;

CREATE DATABASE /*!32312 IF NOT EXISTS*/ `lportal` /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 */;

USE `lportal`;

Creating the Volume File

If you are uploading a backup with the LCP tool, you do not need to create a volume file because the tool automatically compresses your document library’s files.

To upload a backup via the Cloud console UI or API, you must compress the document library to upload it.


If permissions are not already configured for Liferay Cloud when you upload a backup, then restoring the backup to your environments afterward can take longer to complete. To avoid long restore times, navigate to your LIFERAY_HOME folder and run this command before compressing the document library: chown -R 1000:1000 data/document_library/.

Run this command to compress the data volume:

cd $LIFERAY_HOME/data && tar -czvf volume.tgz document_library

Downloading Backups via the Console


You can only download backups via the console before backup service 5.9.0. For versions 5.9.0+, use the CLI tool instead.

Follow these steps (as an administrator) to download a backup from the Backups page in your chosen environment:

  1. Click Actions ( ⋮ ) for the backup you want to download.

  2. Click on Download.

    Click on the Actions button, and then click Download.

  3. Click the Database (.gz) or Liferay (.tgz) file to start downloading. Together, these zip archives comprise the environment backup.


    If your Backup service is not yet updated to version 4.2 or above, then the Database volume is downloaded as a .tgz archive instead of .gz.

    Click to download the database and Liferay data volume files.

Uploading Backups via the Console

Before you can upload a backup to Liferay Cloud, you must compress the database dump and document library in separate archives. See Preparing the Database and Document Library for Upload for more information on preparing them for an on-premises environment.


Database table and column names are case sensitive in Liferay Cloud. Ensure that the table names are in Pascal case before uploading your database. See Ensuring Correct Table Capitalization for more information.

Follow these steps from the Backups page:

  1. Click Upload Backup… near the top of the screen.

  2. On the Upload Backup page, expand the appropriate environment, and then click the + icons for both the database and document library to upload them.

    Click the icons to upload both the database and document library as .gz archives.

  3. When both the database dump and document library are uploaded, click Initiate Upload.

Liferay Cloud begins using the files you uploaded to generate a backup and adds it to the list you can restore to your environments. While the backup is being generated, other backups cannot be generated or restored.

A success message appears on the page when the backup is generated, and the service resumes normal operation.

When the backup is finished being added to the list in your environment, a success message appears.

Backup Service APIs

The backup service has APIs that you can also use to download and upload backups before backup version 5.9.0. You can invoke these APIs using a command line tool such as curl.

Getting the Host Name

To invoke the backup APIs, you need the backup service’s host name. You can find this on the Services page.

View the backup service's host name from the Services page.

The backup service’s host name is a combination of the service, project, and environment names.

Consider this example:

  • Service name: backup
  • Project name: lfrjoebloggs
  • Environment name: prd
  • Host name:


You can authenticate your request with basic authentication or a user access token.

Note that token authentication is required if SSO is enabled. You can retrieve this token from the cookie access_token and use it with the dxpcloud-authorization header.

Here’s an example that uses token authentication with the upload API:

curl -X POST \
  https://backup-[Project name]-[Environment] \
  -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
  -H 'dxpcloud-authorization: Bearer [User token]' \
  -F 'database=@/my-folder/database.gz' \
  -F 'volume=@/my-folder/volume.tgz'

Passing the user token in the header dxpcloud-authorization only works for versions 3.2.0 or greater of the backup service. Previous versions should be upgraded to at least 3.2.0. Requests to earlier versions must use the header Authorization: Bearer [Project master token]. You can find the project master token by running the command env | grep LCP_PROJECT_MASTER_TOKEN in any shell in the Liferay Cloud console.

Download Database API

The API for downloading a database contains an endpoint that returns a .gz file. The id parameter represents the backup ID, which you can find on the Backups page. This ID is comprised of three strings separated by two dashes (e.g., dxpcloud-lqgqnewltbexuewymq-201910031723).



curl Example

curl -X GET \
  https://backup-[Project name]-[Environment][ID] \
  -u \
  --output database.gz

If your Backup service is not yet updated to version 4.2 or above, then the Database volume is downloaded as a .tgz archive instead of .gz.

Download Data Volume API

The API for downloading a data volume contains an endpoint that returns a .tgz file. The id parameter represents the backup ID, which you can find on the Backups page. This ID is comprised of three strings separated by two dashes (e.g., dxpcloud-lqgqnewltbexuewymq-201910031723).



curl Example

curl -X GET \
  https://backup-[Project name]-[Environment][ID] \
  -u \
  --output volume.tgz

Upload Backup API

Follow these steps to upload a backup to Liferay Cloud with the upload backup API:

  1. Create the database file.

  2. Create the volume file.

  3. Invoke the backup API with the database and volume files.

Before you can use the upload API, you must compress the database dump and document library in separate archives. See Preparing the Database and Document Library for Upload for more information on preparing for the upload for an on-premises environment.

Invoking the Backup API



curl Example

curl -X POST \
  https://backup-[Project name]-[Environment] \
  -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
  -F 'database=@/my-folder/database.gz' \
  -F 'volume=@/my-folder/volume.tgz' \



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