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Deployment Approach
Configuring the Patching Tool
Configuring the Patching Tool Subscribers The Patching Tool can be adapted to any DXP installation. The tool's auto-discovery option is the easiest way to configure the Patching Tool. If you...
Date de publication: 26 avr. 2024 20:54
Slimming Down Patched Installations
Slimming Down Patched Installations Subscribers In Liferay DXP 7.2, patch information is retained in Patch Files in the installation by default. This facilitates restoring DXP to a previous patch...
Date de publication: 26 avr. 2024 20:54
Getting Patch Information
Getting Patch Information Subscribers You can see patch information at a glance, which helps maintain your installation and get help from Liferay Support. The Patching Tool's info command lists...
Date de publication: 26 avr. 2024 20:54
Reference Installing the Patching Tool Configuring the Patching Tool Getting Patch Information Uninstalling Patches Accessing DXP Patche Code
Date de publication: 26 avr. 2024 20:54
Updating Previous Versions of Liferay
Updating Previous Versions of Liferay Staying current with updates gives you the best security and quality. Security Updates are releases that address the latest security issues immediately. ...
Date de publication: 26 avr. 2024 20:54
Updating Liferay
Updating Liferay For Liferay DXP 7.3 SP3+ and 7.4 GA1+ Update your Liferay installation with Bundle Releases. The latest features, security releases, as well as library updates are all delivered...
Date de publication: 26 avr. 2024 20:54
Accessing DXP Patch Code
Accessing DXP Patch Code Subscribers Liferay DXP Fix Pack and Hotfix source code is available in a private GitHub repository called liferay-dxp. The source code facilitates identifying and...
Date de publication: 26 avr. 2024 20:54
Installing the Patching Tool
Installing the Patching Tool Subscribers The Patching Tool is easy to install and update. Installation Download the Patching Tool from the Customer Portal. For DXP 7.3+, download the latest...
Date de publication: 26 avr. 2024 20:54



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