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Deployment Approach
Using an OSGi Service
Using an OSGi Service Liferay APIs are readily available as OSGi services. You can access a service by creating a field of that service type and annotating the field with @Reference, like this: ...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:57
Command Line Gogo Shell
Command Line Gogo Shell If you're in a development environment, you can interact with the module framework locally from the command line. Gogo shell should only be run from the command line in...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:57
Reference 7.4 Breaking Changes 7.3 Breaking Changes 7.2 Breaking Changes Exported Third-Party Packages Portal Developer Properties
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:58
Portal Developer Properties
Portal Developer Properties There are Portal Properties that facilitate development. Liferay's file includes all of them. The file is enabled...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:58
Customizing the Submit Button
Customizing the Submit Button Available 7.4+ When a User is finished entering data into a form, they must submit the form. By default a button that says Submit is displayed for this purpose. ...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:58
Customizing Form Layouts
Customizing Form Layouts By default, new elements on your form are added to a new row and occupy the entire width of the form. Form with all elements occupying entire width of form. Sometimes it...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:58
Creating and Managing Forms
Creating and Managing Forms Creating Forms Customizing Form Layouts Reusing Sets of Form Elements Providing Help Text and Predefined Values Building Forms with Conditional Fields Validation...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:58
Forms :file: ../landingpage_template.html :file: forms/landing.html
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:58
Forms Field Types Reference
Forms Field Types Reference The Liferay Forms application contains lots of field types and elements to add to your forms. To discover the available elements, Open the Product Menu (Product Menu)...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:58
Using the Search Location Field
Using the Search Location Field Use a Search Location field so a user can interact with Google's Maps JavaScript API and Google Places API, selecting a location and getting these fields autofilled...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:58
Using Storage Adapters
Using Storage Adapters When a User adds a form record, Liferay routes the processing of the request through a storage adapter API. The same is true for the other CRUD operations performed on form...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:58
Providing Help Text and Predefined Values
Providing Help Text and Predefined Values Form fields can be configured to have help text, placeholder text, and predefined values that assist users in understanding and filling out a form. Help...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:58
Forms Permissions Reference
Forms Permissions Reference This article serves as a guide for all permissions associated with the Forms application. Form Widget Permissions Navigate to the site page where the Form widget has...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:58
7.2 Breaking Changes
7.2 Breaking Changes This document presents a chronological list of changes that break existing functionality, APIs, or contracts with third party Liferay developers or users. We try our best to...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:58
Overriding OSGi Services
Overriding OSGi Services Liferay's OSGi container is a dynamic environment in which services can be added, removed, or overridden as needed. This framework registers Liferay components with the...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:57
Auditing Portlet Activity with Portlet Filters
Auditing Portlet Activity with Portlet Filters Portlet filters intercept requests and responses at the start of each portlet request processing phase so you can add functionality there. This makes...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:57
The Benefits of Modularity
The Benefits of Modularity defines modularity as the use of individually distinct functional units, as in assembling an electronic or mechanical system. The distinct functional units...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:57
Customizing JSPs with Dynamic Includes
Customizing JSPs with Dynamic Includes The liferay-util:dynamic-include tag is a placeholder into which you can inject content---JavaScript code, HTML, and more. The example project demonstrates...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:57
Fundamentals Liferay development projects consist primarily of simple .jar files. These contain a few extra configuration files that make them OSGi modules, but they're easily understandable by...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:57
Gogo Shell Commands
Gogo Shell Commands The Gogo shell executes Felix Gogo basic commands and Liferay commands. The Gogo shell is accessible in the Control Panel (recommended) and from the command line. Here are some...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:58



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