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Deployment Approach
Job Scheduler Framework
Job Scheduler Framework :file: ../../landingpage_template.html :file: job-scheduler-framework/landing.html
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:56
Localization Adding A Language Automatically Generating Translations Reference Aggregating Resource Bundles
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:56
Adding A Language
Adding A Language Liferay currently supports about 50 languages out-of-the-box. Translation is complete for many of these languages, and some are still in the translation process. Each language has...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:56
Automatically Generating Translations
Automatically Generating Translations Liferay DXP supports 50 languages out-of-the-box. Each locale has its own language properties file containing keys for its language. When you create an...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:56
Listening for Messages
Listening for Messages You can listen for messages sent to any registered Message Bus destination, whether it's built-in to DXP/Portal, defined by third-parties, or created by you. Messages sent to...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:56
Message Bus
Message Bus The Message Bus provides a loosely coupled way to exchange messages. A class sending a message invokes the Message Bus to send the message to a destination, while other classes...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:56
Using Default Synchronous Messaging in Previous Versions
Using Default Synchronous Messaging in Previous Versions Synchronous messaging was removed and is no longer supported for Liferay DXP 7.4 U49/Liferay Portal 7.4 GA49 and above. In default...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:56
Tuning Messaging Performance
Tuning Messaging Performance Messaging performance is tuned at the destinations. Performance depends on the destination type, the amount of processing the message listeners require, and the thread...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:56



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