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Deployment Approach
Using the Script Engine
Using the Script Engine Liferay provides a robust script engine for executing Groovy scripts. You can execute scripts to perform maintenance tasks involving data cleanup, user maintenance...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 21:01
Configuring External Services
Configuring External Services Liferay provides integration with external services for converting files and generating file previews. Three of these services can be enabled in the Server...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 21:01
Script Examples
Script Examples Here are some examples to help you use scripts in DXP. Most of the examples originated from the Liferay blog post 5 Tips to Improve Usage of the Liferay Script Console. Example 1:...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 21:01
Running Scripts From the Script Console
Running Scripts From the Script Console The Script Console provides a single view for executing Groovy scripts and printing their output. It has predefined variables that facilitate working with...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 21:01
Configuring a Shutdown Event
Configuring a Shutdown Event In the Shutdown tab you can initiate a graceful shutdown event, warning Users of the impending shutdown and instructing them to save any work in progress. When you...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 21:01
Using the Server Administration Panel
Using the Server Administration Panel Server Administration is a system-scoped administration panel holding a variety of low-level Liferay DXP configurations. In Server Administration you can...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 21:01
Managing System Resources
Managing System Resources The Server Administration panel's Resources tab contains several features, all related to low-level monitoring and management of the system's resources: FunctionPurpose...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 21:01
Accounts Available 7.4+ Accounts provide administrators with a way to organize and manage users for various commerce or business needs. Unlike organizations or user groups, accounts help...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 21:01
Invoking Liferay Services From Scripts
Invoking Liferay Services From Scripts Many scripting scenarios require invoking Liferay services. Liferay *ServiceUtil classes are the fastest and most convenient way to invoke Liferay services in...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 21:01
Account Addresses
Account Addresses Available 7.4+ Account addresses are the billing or shipping addresses associated with a Business account or a Person account. Adding an Account Address Open the Global Menu...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 21:01
Configuring Logging
Configuring Logging In the Server Administration panel's Log Levels tab, you can set logging levels for classes and packages in Liferay DXP's class hierarchy and add custom objects to be similarly...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 21:01
Account Roles
Account Roles Available 7.4+ You can create different Account Roles and define specific permissions for each one. Then assign these Roles to different Account Users to grant appropriate access to...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 21:01
Account Management Widget
Account Management Widget Available 7.4+ The Account Management widget makes it easy to manage and access account information. Deploy the widget to any Page. This is a useful way to provide access...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 21:01
Account Groups
Account Groups Available 7.4+ Use Account Groups to group Accounts together based on need. For example, group accounts by geography (Americas, Asia Pacific, Europe, etc.). Creating an Account...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 21:01
Users and Permissions
Users and Permissions :file: landingpage_template.html :file: users-and-permissions/landing.html
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 21:01
Forms Configuration Reference
Forms Configuration Reference Here's an overview of all the Forms configurations so you can quickly find a configuration you need. Forms Options You can export and import forms between Sites. To...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:58
Customizing the Submit Button
Customizing the Submit Button Available 7.4+ When a User is finished entering data into a form, they must submit the form. By default a button that says Submit is displayed for this purpose. ...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:58
Customizing Form Layouts
Customizing Form Layouts By default, new elements on your form are added to a new row and occupy the entire width of the form. Form with all elements occupying entire width of form. Sometimes it...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:58
Creating and Managing Forms
Creating and Managing Forms Creating Forms Customizing Form Layouts Reusing Sets of Form Elements Providing Help Text and Predefined Values Building Forms with Conditional Fields Validation...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:58
Using the Search Location Field
Using the Search Location Field Use a Search Location field so a user can interact with Google's Maps JavaScript API and Google Places API, selecting a location and getting these fields autofilled...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:58
Using Storage Adapters
Using Storage Adapters When a User adds a form record, Liferay routes the processing of the request through a storage adapter API. The same is true for the other CRUD operations performed on form...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:58
Translating Forms
Translating Forms Forms can be be translated and presented in any language that is currently enabled on the current site. To add a translation: Begin by viewing an existing form (e.g., Guest...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:58
Exporting and Importing Forms
Exporting and Importing Forms You can export all your forms as a LAR file and then import them into a different Site for reuse. See Exporting/Importing Site Pages and Content to learn about the...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:58
Customizing Auto-Save Behavior
Customizing Auto-Save Behavior The Forms application automatically saves the form creation progress as you create a form. By default, a form's draft is auto-saved every minute. To change the...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:58
Managing Form Entries
Managing Form Entries Once users begin submitting form entries, you can access the form entry data through the UI or export the data to a different file format for further analysis and review. ...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:58
Form Reports
Form Reports 7.3, 7.4 Once users begin submitting form entries, you can access a field-by-field report on the form's records: Navigate to the Forms application. In the Product Menu (Product...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:58
Kaleo Forms
Kaleo Forms Kaleo Forms is deprecated as of Liferay 7.4 2023.Q3. Use business processes for Liferay Objects (i.e., objects, workflow, and form container fragments) instead. Liferay's Kaleo Forms...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:58
Enabling CAPTCHA on Form Submissions
Enabling CAPTCHA on Form Submissions CAPTCHA can be enabled to deter automated form submissions. To enable CAPTCHA: Click the form's Options button (Options) and select Settings. Navigate to...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:58
Assigning Task Nodes
Assigning Task Nodes Subscription Task nodes require interaction by people. To alert and associate tasks with the right people, use notifications and assignments, respectively. You can assign task...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:58
Configuring Workflow Actions and Notifications
Configuring Workflow Actions and Notifications Subscription Using the workflow designer, users can configure Workflow Actions and notifications for each node. Actions are very adaptable and you...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:58
Managing Workflows
Managing Workflows With the workflow framework, Users manage asset publication in custom-built workflow processes. Users with permission to access workflow process definitions in the Control Panel...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:58
Workflow Designer
Workflow Designer Subscription The Workflow Designer's user interface was refreshed in Liferay DXP 7.4 Update 20. The look and feel of the new builder is improved and the user experience is more...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:58
Workflow Metrics: Reports
Workflow Metrics: Reports Subscription Open the Workflow Metrics from the Applications Menu (Applications Menu) (Control Panel → Workflow → Metrics) and you immediately see metrics on each...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:58
Exporting and Importing Page Templates
Exporting and Importing Page Templates Sometimes it's easier to edit templates in a code editor. Once you've created a page template, you can export it, edit it locally in the editor of your...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:59
Creating a Master Page Template
Creating a Master Page Template Available: Liferay DXP/Portal 7.3+ Although there are default master page templates you can use to define the look and feel of the headers and footers for your...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:59
Site Building
Site Building Sites are a fundamental component of Liferay DXP. At its core, a Site is a collection of pages that contains content. Sites can also contain applications that provide additional...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:58
General Settings Reference
General Settings Reference All fragments have general settings. Some of these options are standard (e.g., visibility and frame), while others are unique to each fragment. The following reference...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:59
Configuring Fragment Visibility
Configuring Fragment Visibility Available: Liferay DXP/Portal 7.4+ Fragments can be used to assemble Content Pages with a variety of layouts and information. Starting with Liferay DXP 7.4, you can...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:59
Configuring Fragments
Configuring Fragments You can configure fragments and their sub-elements. Available options can vary, though some are common to all. To view available configuration options, begin editing a page or...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:59
Page Fragments and Widgets
Page Fragments and Widgets Liferay provides page fragments and widgets for building site pages and page templates. Fragments cannot be used in widget pages. They are only available in content...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:59



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