Monitoring Upgrades with MBeans

Liferay DXP 7.4 U76 / Liferay Portal 7.4 GA76

When upgrade upon startup is enabled, the upgrade process can be monitored with MBeans through a JVM management tool (e.g. JConsole). Enable upgrade on startup by setting in your portal properties.

In your JVM management tool, create a new connection and select Liferay’s java process (e.g. org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap).

Under the MBeans tab, select the com.liferay.portal.upgrade category. Select Attributes. Two attribute keys are available: Result and Type.

Under the MBeans tab, select the com.liferay.portal.upgrade category.

The following values are possible for Result:

  • pending: The upgrade process has not started yet.
  • running: The upgrade process is being executed.
  • failure: The upgrade process finished and some errors were logged during the upgrade process.
  • unresolved: The upgrade process finished and no errors were logged, but it was not possible to check the completeness of the upgrades by using OSGi. There may be pending upgrades and/or unresolved dependencies.
  • warning: The upgrade process finished and no errors were logged, nor did any OSGi checks fail. But some warnings has been logged during the upgrade.
  • success: The upgrade process finished and no errors or warnings were logged during the upgrade process.

The following values are possible for Type:

  • pending: The upgrade has not finished yet.
  • no upgrade: No upgrade processes have been executed at the end of the upgrade process.
  • major: At least one upgrade involving a major change of schemaVersion.
  • minor: At least one upgrade involving a minor change of schemaVersion has been executed.
  • micro: At least one upgrade involving a micro change of schemaVersion has been executed.

The information provided by MBeans is updated in real-time and is only available for upgrades performed at startup. Once the upgrade on startup completes, the values displayed in MBeans are static and are not updated even if manual upgrades are performed after the upgrade on startup.

Using the Upgrade Database Tool Upgrade Report Database Upgrade Tool Reference Upgrade Log Context



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