

Liferay DXP is built with security in mind. A variety of standards based authentication methods and integrations can be used to ensure secure access to a site and its resources. Robust role-based access control with permissions gives you fine grained control over what authenticated and unauthenticated users can access, share, or edit. Liferay DXP’s web services also have a multi-layered and configurable approach to security and authorization.

Deployment Approach
Audit Framework
Audit Framework Liferay's audit framework shows activities relating to users, user groups, organizations, roles, multi-factor authentication, and objects (definitions, fields, actions, layouts,...
Data de publicació: 26/04/2024 21:00
Searching and Exporting Audit Events
Searching and Exporting Audit Events The audit application comes with simple and advanced searching capabilities. To use the simple search, you can enter a search term and click the magnifying...
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Audit Configuration Reference
Audit Configuration Reference Configuration settings for audits are available at a system scope. You can find these settings by opening the Global Menu (Global Menu) and navigating to Control Panel...
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Configuring Liferay
Configuring Liferay :file: ../landingpage_template.html :file: configuring-liferay/landing.html
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Security Settings
Security Settings Enabling Antivirus Scanning for Uploaded Files More coming soon!
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User Authentication
User Authentication The User Authentication settings define how Users can authenticate, the various authentication methods that are required for them, and the screen names and email addresses that...
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Accounts Available 7.4+ Accounts provide administrators with a way to organize and manage users for various commerce or business needs. Unlike organizations or user groups, accounts help...
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Account Addresses
Account Addresses Available 7.4+ Account addresses are the billing or shipping addresses associated with a Business account or a Person account. Adding an Account Address Open the Global Menu...
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Account Groups
Account Groups Available 7.4+ Use Account Groups to group Accounts together based on need. For example, group accounts by geography (Americas, Asia Pacific, Europe, etc.). Creating an Account...
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Account Management Widget
Account Management Widget Available 7.4+ The Account Management widget makes it easy to manage and access account information. Deploy the widget to any Page. This is a useful way to provide access...
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Users and Permissions
Users and Permissions :file: landingpage_template.html :file: users-and-permissions/landing.html
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Account Roles
Account Roles Available 7.4+ You can create different Account Roles and define specific permissions for each one. Then assign these Roles to different Account Users to grant appropriate access to...
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Account Users
Account Users For Liferay 7.4 U55+/GA55+ Once you've created an account, you can associate existing users with it manually. Alternatively, you can create and associate users with an account...
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Channel Defaults Permissions Reference
Channel Defaults Permissions Reference Liferay DXP 7.4 U75+/GA75+ Setting channel defaults for an account ensures that addresses, shipping options, terms and conditions, and payment methods are...
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Channel Defaults
Channel Defaults Available Liferay 7.4 U49+/GA49+ After creating a business account, you can set channel defaults for it. This can improve customer experience by reducing the time it takes to...
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Setting Channel Defaults
Setting Channel Defaults Liferay 7.4 U49+/GA49+ Users with the necessary account management permissions can set channel defaults for business accounts. Open the Global Menu ( Global Menu ) and...
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Contacts Liferay DXP 2024.Q2+/Portal 7.4 GA120+ Using the new Contact tab on an account, you can add contact details related to the account: Addresses Phone Numbers Email Addresses Websites ...
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Connecting to a User Directory
Connecting to a User Directory Connecting to an LDAP Directory Configuring User Import and Export LDAP Configuration Reference
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Configuring User Import and Export
Configuring User Import and Export The import/export settings configure mappings between LDAP and Liferay to match users between the two systems. Finding Users in Your LDAP Directory...
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Connecting to an LDAP Directory
Connecting to an LDAP Directory Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) servers are common user stores for Liferay DXP. You can configure LDAP at the system scope in System Settings or at the...
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Using Workflow with Accounts
Using Workflow with Accounts Liferay 7.4 U49+/GA49+ Accounts are fully integrated with Liferay's workflow engine so you can enable an approval process for account creation. To enable a workflow...
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LDAP Configuration Reference
LDAP Configuration Reference To access LDAP configuration settings, navigate to Control Panel → Configuration → Instance Settings → Security → LDAP. There are four categories on the left: Export,...
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Enabling GDPR Compliance for Cookies
Enabling GDPR Compliance for Cookies You can ensure GDPR compliance for your cookies using Liferay's configuration interface. Open the Global Menu (Global Menu), and navigate to Control Panel →...
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Adding a New Organization Type
Adding a New Organization Type By default, Liferay DXP only includes the Organization type. You can configure the existing type or add additional types in System Settings → Users → Organization...
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Adding Users to Organizations
Adding Users to Organizations With Liferay Organizations, you can manage Users and permissions to model your real-life organizational hierarchy, which can then be quickly implemented in...
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Organization Roles
Organization Roles Liferay Organizations provide a convenient way to implement distributed User management. With them, you can use Organization-scoped Roles to assign standard permissions to all...
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Assigning Roles to User Segments
Assigning Roles to User Segments Available: Liferay DXP 7.2 SP2+, Liferay CE 7.3.1 GA2 User segments are dynamically assigned user collections. If a segment can be well-defined with the available...
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Creating and Managing Roles
Creating and Managing Roles Once you understand roles and permissions, you can create the roles you need to empower your users to work within your Liferay DXP solution. Create and manage roles in...
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Managing User Data (GDPR)
Managing User Data (GDPR) Liferay's User Associated Data (UAD) framework assists you in meeting two of the General Data Protection Regulation's (GDPR) technically challenging requirements: The...
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Configuring the Anonymous User
Configuring the Anonymous User Internet users are increasingly and justifiably concerned about how their personal data is processed by the systems they use. Liferay is aware of the need for...
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Exporting User Data
Exporting User Data One of the General Data Protection Regulation's (GDPR) tenets is that Users have a right to data portability. Data portability means that users have the right to receive their...
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Managing Third-Party Cookies
Managing Third-Party Cookies Liferay DXP 2024.Q1+/Portal 7.4 GA112+ Third-party cookies are generated by domains different from the one a user is currently visiting. These cookies are often used...
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Sanitizing User Data
Sanitizing User Data One of the technically challenging requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the right to be forgotten. The purpose here is not to go into the details of...
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Organizations Understanding Organizations Creating and Managing Organizations Adding Users to Organizations Organization Roles Organization Sites Adding a New Organization Type
Data de publicació: 26/04/2024 21:01
Creating and Managing Organizations
Creating and Managing Organizations If you're not sure what Organizations are or whether you need them, start here. Adding Organizations Click Users and Organizations from Control Panel → Users....
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Organization Sites
Organization Sites Liferay Organizations enable distributed User management, providing a convenient way to organize and manage instance users and roles to reflect your organizational hierarchy....
Data de publicació: 26/04/2024 21:01
Understanding Organizations
Understanding Organizations Liferay Organizations can enable distributed User and Site management that reflects real world organizational hierarchies. Organizations can nest to an unlimited number...
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Roles and Permissions
Roles and Permissions Understanding Roles and Permissions Creating and Managing Roles Defining Role Permissions Assigning Users to Roles Assigning Roles to User Segments Configuring a...
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Assigning Users to Roles
Assigning Users to Roles The location of a Role's assignment UI corresponds with the Role's scope. Regular Roles Globally scoped regular roles are available for configuration in the DXP Control...
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Configuring a Password Policy
Configuring a Password Policy Password policies enhance the security of your installation. You can use the default policy that ships with Liferay (modified or as is), or you can create your own...
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Default Roles Reference
Default Roles Reference All roles available in a Liferay DXP installation can be viewed in the Roles administrative application, organized by scope. Navigate there using Control Panel → Users →...
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Understanding Roles and Permissions
Understanding Roles and Permissions To get things done in Liferay DXP, Users must have the proper permissions. Roles join Users with permissions. Most administrative work for Roles and permissions...
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User Group Sites
User Group Sites With User Group Sites, you can create pages that are added automatically to each member’s personal Site. These pages are organized into two page sets, My Profile (public) and My...
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Defining Role Permissions
Defining Role Permissions Roles collect permissions, so when Users are given a Role, they inherit all Role's permissions. If you create a Role with permission to access something in the Control...
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User Groups
User Groups Creating and Managing User Groups Managing Site Membership and Permissions with User Groups User Group Sites
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Creating and Managing User Groups
Creating and Managing User Groups A User Group is a list of Users created for a specific purpose. User Groups can be created across the hierarchical boundaries of Organizations. For example, an...
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Managing Site Membership and Permissions with User Groups
Managing Site Membership and Permissions with User Groups You can use User Groups to manage Site membership, Roles, and permissions. Managing Site Membership with User Groups One of the primary...
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Updating User Profile Pictures
Updating User Profile Pictures Users have profile pictures. Administrative Users can upload images in the Edit User form, and Users can update their own account information, including profile...
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Users Understanding Users Adding and Managing Users Updating User Profile Pictures Adding Custom Fields to Users
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Adding and Managing Users
Adding and Managing Users Core user management activities include adding, editing, and deleting users. These activities are typically restricted to Administrative users. Adding Users Open the...
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Adding Custom Fields to Users
Adding Custom Fields to Users Many of Liferay's assets and resources can be extended with new fields. This includes adding custom fields for Users: Navigate to Control Panel → Configuration →...
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Understanding Users
Understanding Users Every person who accesses a Liferay site is considered a user. Unauthenticated users are considered Guest users. Liferay ships out-of-the-box with a default Admin user who has...
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Managing Guest User Entries
Managing Guest User Entries When you create an object and its application UI, unauthenticated users cannot add object entries, even if you add an object-backed application to a page and grant the...
Data de publicació: 26/04/2024 23:40
Users and Accounts
Users and Accounts Liferay Commerce provides specialized roles out of the box to satisfy e-commerce needs. These roles are included alongside the standard DXP roles and define basic user profiles...
Data de publicació: 26/04/2024 20:49
Account Roles
Account Roles Account roles are sets of permissions that grant users specific abilities within an Account context. These roles can be used to delegate Account responsibilities, or paired with...
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Creating a New Account
Creating a New Account There are two ways to create an account: 1) using the Account Management widget and 2) through the Control Panel. Access to the Control Panel is typically restricted to those...
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Adding Addresses to an Account
Adding Addresses to an Account This article documents how to update an account's billing and shipping addresses using either the Account Management widget or the Control Panel. Using the Account...
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Account Management
Account Management In Liferay Commerce, Accounts are used to store customer information, such as billing and shipping addresses, order details, and VAT number. Once created, Accounts can be sorted...
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Using Organizations to Create a Sales Network
Using Organizations to Create a Sales Network The organizational structure of B2B sales networks can be mirrored in Liferay Commerce using the Organizations feature. Organizations are hierarchical...
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Adding Organizations to Accounts
Adding Organizations to Accounts Organizations can be added to an Account to simplify the management and administration of accounts. To learn more about using Organizations with Accounts see Using...
Data de publicació: 26/04/2024 20:49



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