Creating a Simple Product

A Simple Product is any physical product for which inventory is tracked. Products are added to a store’s catalog and include a name and description. Products can be further defined by applying product options, generating SKUs, images, specifications, and categorizations.

Create a Simple Product

To add a new Simple Product:

  1. Go to the Global Application menu → CommerceProducts.
  2. Click the Add (Add icon) button then Simple.
  3. Enter the following:
    • Catalog:
    • Name: Water Bottle
  4. Click Submit.

The initial product entry has been created. Continue on to learn about further configuring the product.

Apply Product Options

Product Options provide an easy and flexible way to offer products that have a variety of options such as size, quantity, and color. Click the Options sub-tab to add various options to the product.

Generate SKUs

Once you have applied product options to the product, SKUs have to be generated. For more information about how to generate SKUs, see Creating SKUs for Product Variants. Click the SKUs sub-tab to generate the SKUs.

Set Prices and Quantities in the Inventory

After the SKUs have been generated, set the base price and quantities in the inventory for each item. Depending on how many SKUs were generated based on the various product options, each SKU can have its own prices. Some products are sold in bulk quantities while others are sold individually.

Product SKUs

  1. Click the 3-dot icon (Actions icon) then Edit next to 6. (At this point, you can rename the SKU to something more descriptive like 6 Pack on the Details menu.)

  2. Enter the following:

    • Price: 19.99
    • Promo Price: 0.00
    • Cost: 0.00

    Editing the SKU's price

  3. Click Publish.

  4. Close the configuration

To learn more about pricing, see: Introduction to Pricing

To learn how to configure inventory for your product, see: Setting Inventory by Warehouse.

Configure Product Specifications

Product specifications contain useful pieces of product information about the product, such as dimensions, color, weight, capacity, or almost any other attribute. Click the Specifications sub-tab to add specifications.

Upload Product Images and Attachments

Product images help to ensure that customers know what they are buying. Each product variant (SKU) can have their own associated product image. Click the Images sub-tab to add all product images.

Store administrators can also add attachments that are associated with a particular product. Click the Attachments sub-tab to add documents.

Organize with Categories

Product Categories are used to organize products. Product Categories may be used to apply discounts or other offers to a set of products, to assist buyers in finding products, or to promote certain products to a specified account or account group.

Product Relations are used to connect products. Once connected, a product displays the links to other products. Every related product must be assigned to a Product Relation Type.

Commerce 2.1 and Earlier Versions

Creating a Simple Product

  1. Navigate to Control PanelCommerceProducts.

  2. Click the Add (Add icon) button then Simple.

  3. Enter the following:

    • Catalog:

    • Name: Water Bottle

    • Short Description: Stainless steel water bottle 20oz.

    • Friendly URL: (autogenerated)

      Adding a product

  4. Click Publish.

The initial product entry has been created. Continue on to learn about further configuring the product.

Setting Prices and Quantities

To set product prices and quantities:

  1. Click the 3-dot icon then Edit next to 6. (At this point, you can rename the SKU to something more descriptive like 6 Pack on the Details menu.)
  2. Click Pricing on the left menu.
  3. Enter the following:
    • Price: 12.00
    • Promo Price: 0.00
    • Cost: 0.00
  4. Click Save. (If Promo Price and Cost fields are left as 00, no discounts or promotions are applied at this point.)
  5. Click Price List to apply this product to any existing price lists.

Once you have set the product’s price and SKUs, see the sections above on how to add Product Options, Specifications or upload Product Images.



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