
This article documents the two types of authentication requests used by Liferay Cloud.

The first method is basic authentication which is a HTTP protocol in the Authorization Header encoded when the server requests authentication from a client.

The second is by a user access token. Note that token authentication is required if SSO is enabled. The token from the cookie access_token is retrieved and then used with the dxpcloud-authorization header.

Here is an example that uses token authentication with the upload API:

curl -X POST /
  http://<HOST-NAME>/backup/upload /
  -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' /
  -H 'dxpcloud-authorization: Bearer <USER_TOKEN>' /
  -F 'database=@/my-folder/database.tgz' /
  -F 'volume=@/my-folder/volume.tgz'

Note: Passing the user token in the header dxpcloud-authorization only works for versions 3.2.0 or greater of the backup service. Previous versions should be upgraded to at least 3.2.0. Requests to earlier versions must use the header Authorization: Bearer <PROJECT_MASTER_TOKEN>. To find the project master token, run the command env grep LCP_PROJECT_MASTER_TOKEN in any shell on the Liferay Cloud Console.



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