Search Results

Deployment Approach
Sorting Results in a Search Blueprint
Sorting Results in a Search Blueprint Add a sort configuration to search blueprints to control the order of search results: Open the Global Menu (Global Menu), click the Applications tab, and...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:02
Optimizing Search Response Size
Optimizing Search Response Size In rare cases, an overly large search response can result in ERROR messages from the search engine: ERROR [http-nio-8080-exec-335][ElasticsearchIndexSearcher:165]...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:02
Site Facet
Site Facet The Site Facet narrows search results down to those existing in a certain Site. Each Site with content matching the searched keyword appears as a facet term. Example of Site facet...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:02
Search Insights
Search Insights This feature is intended for testing and development only \ Works with Elasticsearch only The Search Insights Widget, when added to a Search Page, is for inspecting two things: ...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:02
Modified Facet
Modified Facet The Modified Facet narrows search results down to those that match the searched keyword and results that were created or modified during a certain time period. Example of modified...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:02
Tag Facet
Tag Facet The Tag Facet narrows search results for any assets with tags that match the search keyword. Each match appears as a facet term. Example of tag facet results. Configuring the Tag Facet...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:02
Search Results
Search Results Search Results Configuring the Search Results Widget Sorting Search Results Filtering Search Results Custom Filter Examples Enabling Search Suggestions Search Results...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:02
Understanding Low Level Search Options
Understanding Low Level Search Options Low level search works only with Elasticsearch. Low level search doesn't go through the Search and Indexing Framework, which is infrastructure used for...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:02
Using the Custom Filter Widget
Using the Custom Filter Widget This feature works [only with Elasticsearch](../../installing-and-upgrading-a-search-engine/solr/ With Custom Filters, you can contribute...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:02
Enabling Search Suggestions
Enabling Search Suggestions Search terms can be suggested to users when their initial queries can be improved. Spell check settings allow administrators to configure the Search application so that...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:02
User Facet
User Facet The User Facet narrows search results down to those created by certain Users. Example of user facet results. Configuring the User Facet To configure the User Facet, open the Options...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:02
Creating and Managing Roles
Creating and Managing Roles Once you understand roles and permissions, you can create the roles you need to empower your users to work within your Liferay DXP solution. Create and manage roles in...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:01
Configuring the Anonymous User
Configuring the Anonymous User Internet users are increasingly and justifiably concerned about how their personal data is processed by the systems they use. Liferay is aware of the need for...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:01
Organization Roles
Organization Roles Liferay Organizations provide a convenient way to implement distributed User management. With them, you can use Organization-scoped Roles to assign standard permissions to all...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:01
Assigning Roles to User Segments
Assigning Roles to User Segments Available: Liferay DXP 7.2 SP2+, Liferay CE 7.3.1 GA2 User segments are dynamically assigned user collections. If a segment can be well-defined with the available...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:01
Managing User Data (GDPR)
Managing User Data (GDPR) Liferay's User Associated Data (UAD) framework assists you in meeting two of the General Data Protection Regulation's (GDPR) technically challenging requirements: The...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:01
Searching for Content
Searching for Content All indexed content (a.k.a. assets in Liferay DXP) can be returned as search results. Custom content can also be indexed, so your installation might have additional asset...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:02
Elasticsearch Elasticsearch is the highly scalable, full-text search engine Liferay uses by default. Elasticsearch is bundled with Liferay for non-production purposes. In production, Liferay...
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Developer Guide
Developer Guide Contributing Custom Content to the Similar Results Widget Aggregations Model Entity Indexing Search Queries and Filters APIs Search Headless APIs
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:01
Getting Started
Getting Started Search Overview Searching for Content What's New in Search for 7.4? What's New in Search for 7.3?
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Elasticsearch Connector Configuration Reference
Elasticsearch Connector Configuration Reference The configuration information here applies to the latest available (bundled or through Marketplace) version of the Elasticsearch 6 and Elasticsearch...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:02
Securing Elasticsearch
Securing Elasticsearch The very first thing you must do to secure Elasticsearch is enable X-Pack Security. After that you can begin configuring authentication and encrypted communication. ...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:02
Installing Elasticsearch
Installing Elasticsearch Here's how to install, configure, and start Elasticsearch on-premises. If you have Elasticsearch indexes used for primary data storage (storing data not backed by a...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:02
Exercise: Run Liferay and Elasticsearch Using Docker
Exercise: Run Liferay and Elasticsearch Using Docker 7.3+ Here you can walk through a minimal Liferay-Elasticsearch setup on your local machine to see how a secure REST Client connection between...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:02
Creating Elements
Creating Elements There are a lot of system Elements that ship with Search Blueprints. If none of the system Elements meets your needs, there are many ways to create your own Search Blueprints...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:02
Predefined Element Variables Reference
Predefined Element Variables Reference In the Element Source editor, place the cursor in the desired location and click the variable in the left hand sidebar to insert it. In the Custom JSON...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:02
Managing Elements
Managing Elements To create new Elements, click Add (Add). See Creating Elements for more details. As of Liferay DXP 2023.Q4+, the title and description fields are localizable. To provide...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:02
Creating and Managing Elements
Creating and Managing Elements Elements are one of the fundamental building blocks of Search Blueprints and are managed within the Blueprints application. Open the Global Menu's Applications...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:02
Search Configuration Reference
Search Configuration Reference Search in Liferay DXP can be configured in lots of ways. Once you understand the concept of configuration scope, you'll understand where to find a certain...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:02
Understanding Search Blueprints
Understanding Search Blueprints Search Blueprints is the first feature of the Search Experiences toolset. Use Blueprints to tailor the search page experience to your users' needs, without deploying...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:02
Creating a Search Blueprint for Semantic Search
Creating a Search Blueprint for Semantic Search 7.4 U70+ [Beta Feature](../../../../system-administration/configuring-liferay/ Once a model is selected and the text embeddings are...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:02
Search Administration
Search Administration In Control Panel → Configuration → Search there are three administrative UIs: Connections, Index Actions, and Field Mappings. Connections shows you the search engines your...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:02
Search Administration and Tuning
Search Administration and Tuning Search Administration Panel Overview Reindexing Modes Understanding Localized Search (Coming Soon) Search Tuning Synonym Sets Result Rankings ...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:02
Sorting Search Results
Sorting Search Results Search results displayed in the Search Results widget are ordered by relevance score (as calculated by the search engine) by default. With the Sort widget, users can control...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:02
Custom Domains
Custom Domains With Liferay Cloud, you can connect custom domains to environment services with a DNS provider. First, register your custom domain with your environment's Load Balancer IP address....
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:02
Using a Search Page Template
Using a Search Page Template The default search page is backed by a Global scope page template. Manually created search pages can use that same template as a baseline. Out-of-the-box, the Search...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:02
Creating a Search Page
Creating a Search Page You can create and configure a search page for your Site if you choose not to base it on an existing search page template. This approach is preferable if you do not want to...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:02
Working with Search Pages
Working with Search Pages Search Pages Creating a Search Page Using a Search Page Template
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:02
User Account API Basics
User Account API Basics You can Add and manage Users from the Control Panel, but you can also use Liferay's REST APIs. You can call these services to add, edit, delete Users. Start with adding a...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:01
Defining Role Permissions
Defining Role Permissions Roles collect permissions, so when Users are given a Role, they inherit all Role's permissions. If you create a Role with permission to access something in the Control...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:01
Configuring a Password Policy
Configuring a Password Policy Password policies enhance the security of your installation. You can use the default policy that ships with Liferay (modified or as is), or you can create your own...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:01
Understanding Roles and Permissions
Understanding Roles and Permissions To get things done in Liferay DXP, Users must have the proper permissions. Roles join Users with permissions. Most administrative work for Roles and permissions...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:01
Default Roles Reference
Default Roles Reference All roles available in a Liferay DXP installation can be viewed in the Roles administrative application, organized by scope. Navigate there using Control Panel → Users →...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:01
User Group Sites
User Group Sites With User Group Sites, you can create pages that are added automatically to each member’s personal Site. These pages are organized into two page sets, My Profile (public) and My...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:01
Troubleshooting the Elasticsearch Connection
Troubleshooting the Elasticsearch Connection Listed here are some connection issues you can encounter when configuring the Liferay-Elasticsearch connection, along with the most common solutions to...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:02
Backing Up Elasticsearch
Backing Up Elasticsearch Elasticsearch replicas protect against a node going down, but they won't help you with a catastrophic failure. Only good backup practices can help you then. Backing Up...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:02
Using the Sidecar or Embedded Elasticsearch
Using the Sidecar or Embedded Elasticsearch The Liferay Tomcat bundles installed via a ZIP file or Docker image include an Elasticsearch node that starts with Liferay. The node in Liferay 7.3+ and...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:02
Upgrading to Elasticsearch 7
Upgrading to Elasticsearch 7 7.1 and 7.2 Liferay 7.3 and 7.4 support Elasticsearch 7 out of the box. To find the latest available search engine version for your Liferay installation, see the...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:02
Upgrading Elasticsearch
Upgrading Elasticsearch Liferay supports Elasticsearch 8. The compatibility matrix provides the latest support details. Solr is in maintenance mode in Liferay 7.4. Elasticsearch 6.x is not...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:02
Synonym Sets
Synonym Sets Subscription This feature works [only with Elasticsearch](../installing-and-upgrading-a-search-engine/solr/ A Synonym Set is a group of words or phrases with the...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:02
Reindexing Modes
Reindexing Modes Liferay 2023.Q4+/GA102+ Reindexing is refreshing all or part of the search index that's used for searching, and in some cases displaying, Liferay's content. Execute a reindex from...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:02
Result Rankings
Result Rankings Subscribers This feature works only with Elasticsearch. Result Rankings are for changing the list of returned results for specific keywords. With Results Rankings you can ...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:02
Elasticsearch Indexes Reference
Elasticsearch Indexes Reference Liferay 7.3 and 7.4 each have a set of indexes created in Elasticsearch. Understanding these indexes and what they do can help you better configure and administer...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:02
Custom Filter Examples
Custom Filter Examples This feature works [only with Elasticsearch](../../installing-and-upgrading-a-search-engine/solr/ The Custom Filter widget is a powerful aid to your...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:02
Search Results Behavior
Search Results Behavior Previously, you learned how to display search results. There are additional Search Results concepts and configurations that can enhance your search results: Filtering...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:02
Search Results
Search Results Search results should be easy to navigate, sort, and filter. Give your users an optimal search experience by understanding the default search experience and the many configuration...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:02
Configuring the Search Results Widget
Configuring the Search Results Widget Configure the Search Results widget by opening its options menu (Options) and selecting Configuration. The display of Search Results is configured in the...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:02
Similar Results
Similar Results Subscription [Bundled with DXP 7.3 and 7.4; Liferay Marketplace for DXP 7.2 SP2+/FP5+]( This feature works [only...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:02
Load Balancer
Load Balancer The Ingress Load Balancer gives internet access to your environment's services via proxied HTTP(S) connections using TLS (1.0 to 1.2) protocol. Each load balancer has a static IP that...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:02
Search Pages
Search Pages Access the default search page at localhost:8080/web/guest/search. If you have a running Liferay DXP with some content in it, you can navigate there and execute a search. By default,...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 21:02



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