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Deployment Approach
Enabling CAPTCHA on Form Submissions
Enabling CAPTCHA on Form Submissions CAPTCHA can be enabled to deter automated form submissions. To enable CAPTCHA: Click the form's Options button (Options) and select Settings. Navigate to...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 20:58
Redirecting Users on Form Submission
Redirecting Users on Form Submission By default, when a user submits a form response, they are directed to a success page. This behavior can be configured to instead redirect a user to a specific...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 20:58
Creating Workflow Tasks
Creating Workflow Tasks Subscription The default Single Approver Definition offers a simple introduction to workflow tasks. It has only two task nodes: Review and Update. The workflow enters the...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 20:58
Using Forms to Poll Users
Using Forms to Poll Users In previous versions of Liferay, Site Administrators had access to a dedicated Polls application in the Site Administration → Content and Data menu. This application was...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 20:58
Notifications Liferay provides integrated notification tools, so you can ensure users are alerted to platform events. For Liferay DXP, this includes email and website notifications for the...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 20:58
Workflow Liferay DXP ships with a workflow engine that allows reviewing and approving content such as Blogs, Web Content, or Wikis before publication. Define any number of business...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 20:58
Enabling User Personalization of Widget Pages
Enabling User Personalization of Widget Pages Administrators can designate some or all sections (rows and columns of the page layout) of a widget page as customizable for site members. Page...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 20:59
Using Widgets on a Content Page
Using Widgets on a Content Page The widgets section functions just like the add menu on a widget page. The full list of available widgets appears, and you can add them to the page. The main...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 20:59
Using Page Comments
Using Page Comments When building content pages, you and your team can collaborate using Liferay's page comments feature. Comments are enabled out-of-the-box in Liferay DXP 7.3+. Use page comments...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 20:59
Using Widget Pages
Using Widget Pages A widget page is a page with a set layout that allows widgets (applications) to be displayed. Widgets can display content or add interactive and dynamic functionality to the...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 20:59
Using the Fragments Toolkit
Using the Fragments Toolkit The Fragments Toolkit is deprecated as of Liferay 2024.Q1+/Portal 7.4 GA112+. See Alternatives for the Fragments Toolkit for more information. The Fragments Toolkit...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 20:59
Including Default Resources in Fragments
Including Default Resources in Fragments You can include images (e.g. .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, or .png) in your Fragment Sets for your Fragments to use. Keeping images with your Fragments, rather than in...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 20:59
Using the Fragments Editor
Using the Fragments Editor Liferay DXP includes a built-in editor for developing content page fragments. To access the editor, open the Site Menu ( Site Menu ) and navigate to Design → Fragments....
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 20:59
Setting the Order of Elements in a Fragment
Setting the Order of Elements in a Fragment Availability: Liferay 7.4+. The Slider or Tab fragments are typically used to show different areas of information. Sliders present this information in a...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 20:59
Displaying Collections
Displaying Collections Liferay Portal 7.4 GA6+, DXP 7.3 GA1+ You can display a collection by adding a collection page, or a collection display fragment. For more information about these display...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 20:59
Creating Collections
Creating Collections This information applies to Liferay DXP 7.3+. For previous Liferay DXP versions, see Liferay DXP 7.2. You can create Manual or Dynamic Collections. For information about the...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 20:59
Filtering Collections on a Page
Filtering Collections on a Page To improve the experience for Users viewing Collections on your Site, you can add Page Fragments to filter content in those Collections. For example, you can add a...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 20:59
Collection Provider
Collection Provider Collection providers group items into collections for display on your pages. Several are available out-of-the-box, or you can create them using the Information Framework to...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 20:59
Styling Widgets with Widget Templates
Styling Widgets with Widget Templates You can use widget templates to customize the appearance and functionality of out-of-the-box widgets, such as the Asset Publisher and Media Gallery widgets. ...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 20:59
Using the Web Content Display Widget
Using the Web Content Display Widget After you create a web content article, the quickest way to display it is the web content display widget. Once a web content article is displayed, content...
Data de Publicação: 26/04/2024 20:59



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