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Deployment Approach
A/B Testing
A/B Testing A/B testing evaluates the effectiveness of content pages by testing a variant design against the control design (i.e., the original). This process involves creating a page variant,...
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:47
Viewing the Analytics Dashboard
Viewing the Analytics Dashboard After syncing data, Analytics Cloud automatically begins tracking site visitors and how they interact with your content. The following tools are available for...
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:47
Individuals Individuals Dashboard Individual Profiles Understanding Interests
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:47
No content preview
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:47
Understanding Interests
Understanding Interests As individuals interact with the pages of a Liferay site, Analytics Cloud notes the topics they contain. The more an individual visits pages that contain a topic, the higher...
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:47
Downloading Reports
Downloading Reports In addition to inviting team members to your Analytics Cloud workspace, you can share insights with your team by downloading reports. Downloadable PDF reports are available for...
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:47
Segments Segments Creating Segments
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:47
Pages Analytics Cloud does the following for pages: Registers and tracks pages for analysis the first time the Analytics Cloud client detects a Page interaction. Queries pages on a schedule for...
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:47
Events Descriptions
Events Descriptions Below are the various events that can be analyzed in the events analysis tool. Asset Clicked This is when a user clicks a custom asset. Note, the data-analytics-asset-type HTML...
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:47
Pages Reference
Pages Reference The data displayed for Page Analytics is based on Default Events and Event Attributes. The following events and event attributes are related to pages: Page Events ...
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:47
Sites Dashboard
Sites Dashboard Liferay Analytics Cloud provides a sites dashboard for each Property in your Workspace. For example, when Creating a Property each Property can be associated with one site or can be...
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:47
Connecting Data Sources
Connecting Data Sources Misconfigured environments or data sources can prevent or disrupt access to Liferay DXP data sources. Here's how to troubleshoot DXP data source issues. No Network Access...
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:47
Activation There are a few steps that must be performed in order to begin using Analytics Cloud. If these steps have not yet been performed, you may encounter an error during the activation...
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:47
Adding a New Product Type
Adding a New Product Type This tutorial will show you how to add a new product type by implementing three interfaces: CPType, ScreenNavigationCategory, and ScreenNavigationEntry. Product types can...
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:48
Enabling Commerce Products as Related Assets
Enabling Commerce Products as Related Assets Commerce Products can be connected to other assets in Liferay Commerce by using the Related Assets relationship. Liferay DXP 7.4+ does not support...
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:48
Using Wish Lists
Using Wish Lists Liferay Commerce comes with wish lists out-of-the-box. Wish lists make it easy to save products for purchase later. Adding Products to a Wish List All users have a default wish...
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:48
Content :file: ../landingpage_template.html :file: content/landing.html
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:48
Catalog :file: ../landingpage_template.html :file: catalog/landing.html
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:48
Adding a New Discount Rule Type
Adding a New Discount Rule Type You can add a new discount rule type by implementing two interfaces: CommerceDiscountRuleType and CommerceDiscountRuleTypeJSPContributor. Discount rule types define...
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:48
Implementing a New Payment Method
Implementing a New Payment Method This tutorial will show you how to add a new payment method by implementing the CommercePaymentMethod interface. Payment methods represent various ways customers...
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:48
Implementing a Custom Exchange Rate Provider
Implementing a Custom Exchange Rate Provider This tutorial will show you how to add a custom exchange rate provider by implementing the ExchangeRateProvider interface. An exchange rate provider...
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:48
Sales :file: ../landingpage_template.html :file: sales/landing.html
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:48
Building Enterprise Websites with Liferay - EDUCATION
Building Enterprise Websites with Liferay 15 hours Building Enterprise Websites with Liferay In today’s digital market, businesses need to provide users with engaging, personalized online...
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-jul-10 18:20
Getting Started with Clarity - EDUCATION
Building Enterprise Websites with Liferay 2 hours Module 1: Getting Started with Clarity Webinar Note This module was presented using slides for a live webinar audience. The formatting,...
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-jul-10 18:36
APIs Liferay Analytics Cloud supports access to its analytics data via a set of API endpoints. Developer can now access and integrate the data either through RESTful APIs or data export. Business...
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:47
Recipe TEST
Duis placerat, risus eget ornare ultrices, lorem mauris tempor nunc, sed aliquam diam metus quis velit. Donec aliquam eu sem ac eleifend. Donec condimentum sagittis semper. Sed blandit ipsum id...
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-jun-25 13:36
test test test test test 11
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-jul-19 19:10
Individuals Dashboard
Individuals Dashboard The Individuals dashboard provides a broad range of analytics data about your visitors and how they interact with your Site. To view the dashboard, Click Individuals in...
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:47
Personalizing Content with Segments
Personalizing Content with Segments When used with Liferay DXP's personalization features, the full power of Analytics Cloud's Segments is realized. Personalization lets you target Liferay DXP...
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:47
People Better understanding individual users and users in aggregate is key to offering excellent service. Analytics Cloud provides the tools to better understand both. By building robust Individual...
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:47
Reference Multi-Factor Authentication Metrics Description Downloading Reports
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:47
Blogs Blogs entries are important content on websites. They attract readers who return to view new blog posts and interact in discussion. Analytics Cloud gives you important insights into how...
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:47
Multi-Factor Authentication
Multi-Factor Authentication Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is required for all Analytics Cloud users. This additional layer of security helps to protect users from cyberattacks such as phishing...
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:47
Assets Assets are individual pieces of content that exist on Site Pages in your Liferay Analytics Cloud data sources. In summary, Assets are Content residing on a Page. Registered, tracked, and...
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:47
Assets Assets Web Content Blogs Forms Document and Media Tracking Custom Assets
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:47
Tracking Events
Tracking Events You can track events for analysis by adding JavaScript code to your Liferay DXP site pages. Your code interacts with Analytic Cloud's APIs to capture what users are doing on your...
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:47
Events Analysis
Events Analysis As individuals visit and interact with your site, Analytics Cloud tracks these events. Many of these events that take place on your Liferay DXP instance are set up to be tracked...
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:47
Paths Path analytics identifies how visitors arrive on a site page and where they go next. Knowing how your users are coming and going can empower you to better tailor your site's content to meet...
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:47
Pages Pages Paths Pages Reference
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:47
Definitions for Individuals
Definitions for Individuals The data model for individuals is defined by the various attributes that get mapped when contact data is synced from DXP. To view a list of these attributes, navigate...
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:47
Workspace Data
Workspace Data In settings view, and manage the data sources that sync with Analytics Cloud. Click the settings link at the bottom left of the UI. Manage API access by creating or revoking access...
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:47
Definitions Definitions for Individuals Definitions for Events Definitions for Event Attributes Setting a Search Query
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:47
Troubleshooting Connecting Data Sources Activation
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:47
Scoping Sites and Individuals Using Properties
Scoping Sites and Individuals Using Properties A Property allows you to define and associate a label to a single or multiple sites. This allows you to aggregate the analytics data for all...
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:47
Managing Properties
Managing Properties After creating a property it can be managed and modified from the Workspace Settings section of Analytics Cloud. Navigate to Settings → Workspace Settings → Properties. ...
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:47
Managing Users
Managing Users If you are the workspace Owner or have been assigned the Admin permission, you can invite and manage users. Here’s how to bring up the User Management page: Click on Settings in...
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:47
Workspace Settings
Workspace Settings In settings, view and manage your Analytics Cloud workspace. Click the settings link at the bottom left of the UI. Invite other users and manage access to the workspace. View...
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:47
Implementing a Custom Notification Type
Implementing a Custom Notification Type You can configure Liferay Commerce to send email notifications for a variety of event triggers in your store. When there's no out-of-the-box notification...
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:48
Implementing a Custom Order Rule
Implementing a Custom Order Rule You can configure Order Rules in Liferay for orders that meet a specific condition. The Minimum Order Amount rule is available out-of-the-box. It prevents checkout...
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:48
Implementing a Custom Low Stock Activity
Implementing a Custom Low Stock Activity Here, you'll learn how to add a custom low stock activity by implementing the CommerceLowStockActivity interface. Low stock activities are actions happen...
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:48
Commerce Order Engine Overview
Commerce Order Engine Overview Coming soon!
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:48
Promotions :file: ../landingpage_template.html :file: promotions/landing.html
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:48
Liferay Commerce Fix Delivery Method
Liferay Commerce Fix Delivery Method Subscription Required Delivering fixes is one of the essential services included with your Liferay Enterprise Subscription. For Liferay Commerce, we have...
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:48
Payment Integration Client Extension Reference
Payment Integration Client Extension Reference Payment Integration Client Extension YAML Reference FieldValueDescription keyliferay-sample-commerce-payment-integrationSpecifies the unique key for...
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:48
Installation and Upgrades
Installation and Upgrades :file: landingpage_template.html :file: installation-and-upgrades/landing.html
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:48
Get Help
Get Help :file: landingpage_template.html :file: get-help/landing.html
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:48
Payment and Delivery Terms
Payment and Delivery Terms Liferay DXP 7.4 U16+/GA16+ Payment Terms Payment Terms govern the terms of a transaction between a buyer and seller. You can specify different Payment Terms for...
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:48
Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions Liferay supports adding Terms and Conditions to an order through Payment and Delivery Terms. These are conditions upon which the buyer and seller both must agree. Payment Terms...
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:48
Adding Reasons for Refunds
Adding Reasons for Refunds While processing a refund, it is mandatory to select a reason to complete the transaction. Open the Global Menu (Global Menu) and navigate to Control Panel → System...
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:48
Refunds Liferay's new Payments application supports the creation of refunds for online payments. Once processed, the refund goes back to the original payment method. There are two main steps...
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-apr-26 20:48



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