Configuring Catalog Permissions

Catalog permissions determine which users can see and modify catalogs and their related products. Admin users have these permissions by default and these permissions can be added to new roles that have been added to the system.


Individual product view permissions are managed by modifying the channels that they are available in. See Configuring Product Visibility Using Channels to learn more.

Adding Catalog Management Permissions to an Existing Role

Get started by creating a new custom role or by modifying an existing role to manage Catalogs and Products. This Role will can be configured to have minimum access to system wide functions. To learn more about defining a user permissions, see Defining Role Permissions.

To define catalog management permissions for an existing role:

  1. Navigate to the Control PanelUsersRoles.

  2. Click the (Add icon) to add a new Regular Role.

  3. Enter the following:

    • Title: Catalog Manager.
    • Description This role manages catalogs.
    • Key: (generated based on the title)
  4. Click Save.

  5. Click Define Permissions.

  6. Click the Control PanelCommerce to expand the dropdown menu.

    Navigate to Commerce Catalogs Permissions.

  7. Click Catalogs.

  8. Select the desired Permissions; at the very least, all General Permissions and Resource Permissions.

    Select Catalogs Permissions.

  9. Click Save.

  10. Click the Products dropdown menu.

  11. Select the desired Permissions; at the very least, all General Permissions and Resource Permissions.

  12. Click Save when finished.

The new Catalog Manager role receives the minimum permissions to view the Catalog and Products menu. Users with this role are now able to access the Control PanelCommerceCatalogs and Products menus.

Configuring a Catalog’s Permissions

Follow the steps below to configure catalog permissions:

  1. Navigate to the Control PanelCommerceCatalogs.

  2. Click the (3-dot icon) then Permissions.

    Users can edit Permissions.

  3. Check the boxes next the desired permissions for the applicable roles.

    Select the desired permissions.

  4. Click Save when finished.

The catalog’s permissions are now configured.



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