The Clarity Story


Clarity’s decentralized technical infrastructure and ineffective marketing website have led to inefficiencies, high maintenance costs, and slowing growth.

Founded in 2010, Clarity has quickly grown into a global leader in optical technology and design. With over 500 employees and $300m+ in revenue, their precision lenses and stylish frames bring clarity and confidence to customers worldwide. However, their current technical infrastructure has become overly complex and outdated, leading to inefficiencies, high maintenance costs, and limitations on potential growth.

Clarity has quickly grown into a global leader in optical technology and design.

These pain points fall into two main categories: their decentralized technical infrastructure and ineffective marketing website.

Decentralized Technical Infrastructure

Over the years, Clarity has added multiple systems on an ad hoc basis, causing their tools and data to become decentralized silos. This has hindered information flow and collaboration and impeded operational efficiency and strategic decision making. Additionally, the maintenance of these systems requires multiple licenses, integrations, and specialized personnel, leading to increased costs and diverting resources from core business initiatives.

Clarity’s decentralized IT infrastructure has also raised concerns about data security. With limited oversight and visibility across their systems, complying with global data privacy regulations has become a significant challenge. Currently, they struggle to maintain consistent data governance and implement effective security controls. Failing to address these issues could lead to compliance violations and legal repercussions, damaging the brand’s reputation and impacting their ability to operate in certain markets.

Ineffective Website and Site Development Tools

Clarity’s current marketing website has also struggled to keep pace with their rapid growth. With a complex design interface, updating and maintaining the website requires extensive technical knowledge. This prevents non-technical team members with valuable company knowledge from contributing to the site.

As a result, the website suffers from an outdated design and inconsistent brand identity that fails to reflect their innovative spirit and commitment to excellence. The lack of segmentation and other personalization capabilities has prevented them from connecting with visitors on a personal level. Also, slow page load times and clunky navigation have resulted in negative user experiences, causing high bounce rates and hindering Clarity’s ability to convert online traffic.

Critical Success Factors

Taken together, Clarity’s fragmented technical infrastructure and ineffective marketing website stifle their potential in the increasingly competitive eyewear market. To address these challenges, Clarity Vision Solutions requires a strategic approach built upon several critical success factors:

  • Non-Technical Participation: Empower non-technical team members to contribute to content creation and website management through user-friendly interfaces and intuitive tools, democratizing website ownership and fostering collaboration.

  • Unified Platform and Simplified Maintenance: Simplify IT administration by consolidating disparate systems into a unified platform, streamlining website maintenance and freeing both IT and financial resources for strategic initiatives.

  • Future-Proof Scaling and Flexibility: Use a platform that can readily adapt to evolving business needs and technological advancements, accommodating future growth and expansion without costly re-implementations. The right solution is one that can grow and adapt as the business grows.

  • Increased Engagement through Personalization: Leverage data insights to deliver personalized omnichannel experiences to customers, fostering deeper engagement and boosting conversions.

  • Risk Mitigation with Better Governance: Implement robust cybersecurity measures and data governance practices to mitigate risks, ensure compliance with global regulations, and build trust with customers and partners.

  • Lower Total Cost of Ownership: Optimize technology costs by consolidating services in a centralized platform and reducing dependence on external IT resources. This can maximize transparency/access of data and enable users to reuse existing assets to compose new solutions.

With these needs in mind, let’s explore how Liferay DXP can empower Clarity to overcome their obstacles and deliver the solutions they need.

Up Next: The Liferay Solution



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