Clay Progress Bars

You can add progress bars to your app with the clay:progressbar tag. These indicate the completion percentage of a task and come in three status styles: default (blue), warning (red), and complete (green with checkmark). You can provide a minimum value (minValue) and a maximum value (maxValue).

Default progress bar:

    maxValue="<%= 100 %>"
    minValue="<%= 0 %>"
    value="<%= 30 %>"

You can include progress bars in your apps.

Warning progress bar:

    maxValue="<%= 100 %>"
    minValue="<%= 0 %>"
    value="<%= 70 %>"

Warning progress bars indicate that the progress has not completed due to an error.

Complete progress bar:


The complete progress bar indicates the progress is complete.

Clay taglibs make it easy to track progress in your apps.



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