Migrating a Plain JavaScript, Billboard JS, JQuery, Metal JS, React, or Vue JS Project to Use Liferay npm Bundler 2.x

Follow these steps to migrate the framework projects shown below to use liferay-npm-bundler 2.x:

  • plain JavaScript project
  • Billboard.js project
  • JQuery project
  • Metal.js project
  • React project
  • Vue.js project

While Babel is required to transpile your source files, you must remove any Babel preset used for transformations from your project that bundler 1.x imposed. liferay-npm-bundler 2.x handles these transformations by default:

  1. Update the liferay-npm-bundler dependency in your package.json to version 2.x:

      "devDependencies": {
        "liferay-npm-bundler": "^2.0.0",
  2. Remove all liferay-npm-bundler-preset-* dependencies from your package.json because liferay-npm-bundler 2.x includes these by default.

  3. Remove any bundler presets you configured in your .npmbundlerrc file. liferay-npm-bundler 2.x includes one smart preset that handles all frameworks automatically.

  4. Remove the liferay-project preset from your project’s .babelrc file. All that should remain is the es2015 preset shown below:

      "presets": ["es2015"]

    If your project uses React, make sure the react preset remains as well:

      "presets": ["es2015", "react"]
  5. Remove the babel-preset-liferay-project dependency from your package.json.

Awesome! Your project is migrated to use liferay-npm-bundler 2.x.



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