Using Page Comments

When building content pages, you and your team can collaborate using Liferay’s page comments feature. Comments are enabled out-of-the-box in Liferay DXP 7.3+.

Use page comments to collaborate with your teammates.

Adding Page Comments

  1. Navigate to a content page that includes page elements (i.e., fragments or widgets) and click the Edit button (Edit Button) to begin editing the page.

  2. Open the Comments panel (Comments Icon) in the sidebar menu and select the desired fragment or widget.

    Alternatively, you can select the desired page element and click its Comments icon. This opens the comments panel.

    Click the Comments icon for the page element.


    Comments cannot be added to fragment sub-elements, containers, or grids.

  3. Enter your comment in the side panel and click Comment.

After a comment is added, you can edit or delete the comment via its Actions button (Actions Button). Users can also add replies to it.

Edit, delete, or reply to comments.


Deleting a comment removes all replies to it.

Reviewing Page Comments

Once comments are added to a page fragment or widget, you can review them in the comments side panel.

Review page comments in the comments side panel.

When collaborating, you can mark a comment as resolved by clicking on its Resolve button (Resolve Button). By default, resolved comments and their replies are hidden. However, you can view resolved comments by checking Show Resolved Comments.

Resolve comments.

While viewing resolved comments, you can reopen a comment by clicking its green Resolve button.

View and reopen resolved comments.

Using Content Pages

Adding Elements to Content Pages

Content Page Editor UI Reference



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