
DXP Self-Hosted Installation, Maintenance, and Administration

In addition to SaaS and PaaS deployment approaches for Liferay DXP, you can also opt to self-host Liferay DXP. Self-hosting gives you flexibility to deploy Liferay DXP on-premises or to a cloud computing provider of your choice, giving you complete control over deployment, infrastructure, and maintenance.

Deployment Approach
JVM Configuration
JVM Configuration As of Liferay DXP 2024.Q2+/Portal 7.4 GA120+, Liferay DXP/Portal requires a Java JDK 8, 11, 17, or 21 (prior versions support only JDKs 8 and 11) with specific JVM option...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:54 م
Uninstalling Patches
Uninstalling Patches Subscribers After you install a patch, you may decide to restore your installation to a previous patch level. Here you'll learn how to Uninstall Patches Revert (uninstall)...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:54 م
Updating Liferay
Updating Liferay For Liferay DXP 7.3 SP3+ and 7.4 GA1+ Update your Liferay installation with Bundle Releases. The latest features, security releases, as well as library updates are all delivered...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:54 م
Accessing DXP Patch Code
Accessing DXP Patch Code Subscribers Liferay DXP Fix Pack and Hotfix source code is available in a private GitHub repository called liferay-dxp. The source code facilitates identifying and...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:54 م
Configuring the Patching Tool
Configuring the Patching Tool Subscribers The Patching Tool can be adapted to any DXP installation. The tool's auto-discovery option is the easiest way to configure the Patching Tool. If you...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:54 م
Getting Patch Information
Getting Patch Information Subscribers You can see patch information at a glance, which helps maintain your installation and get help from Liferay Support. The Patching Tool's info command lists...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:54 م
Reference Installing the Patching Tool Configuring the Patching Tool Getting Patch Information Uninstalling Patches Accessing DXP Patche Code
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:54 م
Installing the Patching Tool
Installing the Patching Tool Subscribers The Patching Tool is easy to install and update. Installation Download the Patching Tool from the Customer Portal. For DXP 7.3+, download the latest...
تاريخ النشر: 26‏/04‏/24 8:54 م



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