
DXP Self-Hosted Installation, Maintenance, and Administration

In addition to SaaS and PaaS deployment approaches for Liferay DXP, you can also opt to self-host Liferay DXP. Self-hosting gives you flexibility to deploy Liferay DXP on-premises or to a cloud computing provider of your choice, giving you complete control over deployment, infrastructure, and maintenance.

Deployment Approach
Slimming Down Patched Installations
Slimming Down Patched Installations Subscribers In Liferay DXP 7.2, patch information is retained in Patch Files in the installation by default. This facilitates restoring DXP to a previous patch...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:54
Using Slim Bundles
Using Slim Bundles Subscribers Liferay DXP 7.2 Fix Packs and Service Packs are also released bundled with the Tomcat application server. They are available as traditional bundles and Slim Bundles....
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:54
Installing Patches
Installing Patches Subscribers The Patching Tool applies Fix Packs (including Security Fix Packs and Service Packs) for versions prior to Liferay DXP 7.3 SP3. It also applies Hotfixes for any DXP...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:54
Accessing DXP Patch Code
Accessing DXP Patch Code Subscribers Liferay DXP Fix Pack and Hotfix source code is available in a private GitHub repository called liferay-dxp. The source code facilitates identifying and...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:54
Configuring the Patching Tool
Configuring the Patching Tool Subscribers The Patching Tool can be adapted to any DXP installation. The tool's auto-discovery option is the easiest way to configure the Patching Tool. If you...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:54
Getting Patch Information
Getting Patch Information Subscribers You can see patch information at a glance, which helps maintain your installation and get help from Liferay Support. The Patching Tool's info command lists...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:54
Reference Installing the Patching Tool Configuring the Patching Tool Getting Patch Information Uninstalling Patches Accessing DXP Patche Code
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:54
Starting with a Docker Image
Starting with a Docker Image The latest versions of Liferay are available as Docker images on Docker Hub. They're in two categories: Liferay/Portal Liferay/DXP Follow the steps below to...
Publikálás dátuma: 2024.04.26. 20:53



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