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Deployment Approach
Getting Patch Information
Getting Patch Information Subscribers You can see patch information at a glance, which helps maintain your installation and get help from Liferay Support. The Patching Tool's info command lists...
发布日期: 2024-4-26 下午8:54
Reference Installing the Patching Tool Configuring the Patching Tool Getting Patch Information Uninstalling Patches Accessing DXP Patche Code
发布日期: 2024-4-26 下午8:54
Updating Previous Versions of Liferay
Updating Previous Versions of Liferay Staying current with updates gives you the best security and quality. Security Updates are releases that address the latest security issues immediately. ...
发布日期: 2024-4-26 下午8:54
Updating Liferay
Updating Liferay For Liferay DXP 7.3 SP3+ and 7.4 GA1+ Update your Liferay installation with Bundle Releases. The latest features, security releases, as well as library updates are all delivered...
发布日期: 2024-4-26 下午8:54
Accessing DXP Patch Code
Accessing DXP Patch Code Subscribers Liferay DXP Fix Pack and Hotfix source code is available in a private GitHub repository called liferay-dxp. The source code facilitates identifying and...
发布日期: 2024-4-26 下午8:54
Installing the Patching Tool
Installing the Patching Tool Subscribers The Patching Tool is easy to install and update. Installation Download the Patching Tool from the Customer Portal. For DXP 7.3+, download the latest...
发布日期: 2024-4-26 下午8:54
Database Configuration
Database Configuration By default for demonstration purposes, Liferay DXP/Portal is configured to use an embedded HSQL database. Beyond demonstration purposes, we recommend using a full-featured,...
发布日期: 2024-4-26 下午8:54
JVM Configuration
JVM Configuration As of Liferay DXP 2024.Q2+/Portal 7.4 GA120+, Liferay DXP/Portal requires a Java JDK 8, 11, 17, or 21 (prior versions support only JDKs 8 and 11) with specific JVM option...
发布日期: 2024-4-26 下午8:54
Uninstalling Patches
Uninstalling Patches Subscribers After you install a patch, you may decide to restore your installation to a previous patch level. Here you'll learn how to Uninstall Patches Revert (uninstall)...
发布日期: 2024-4-26 下午8:54
Database Templates
Database Templates Below are templates (example portal properties and Docker environment variables) for configuring various databases as a built-in data source for Liferay DXP. MariaDB Portal...
发布日期: 2024-4-26 下午8:54
Reference Database Configuration Database Templates JVM Configuration Liferay Home Portal Properties System Properties Liferay Software Versions
发布日期: 2024-4-26 下午8:54
Content Dashboard Interface
Content Dashboard Interface Available 7.3+ The Content Dashboard user interface has three main sections: Content Audit Tool Contents List Content Info Sidebar The Content Dashboard user...
发布日期: 2024-4-26 下午8:52
Documents and Media Permissions Reference
Documents and Media Permissions Reference Liferay 7.4 U76+/GA76+ Manage access to Documents and Media assets using application and resource permissions. With role-based access control, you can...
发布日期: 2024-4-26 下午8:52
Managing Document Changes with Checkout
Managing Document Changes with Checkout When you check out a document in the Document Library, only you can make changes to it until you check it back in. This prevents conflicting edits on the...
发布日期: 2024-4-26 下午8:52
Accessing Documents with WebDAV
Accessing Documents with WebDAV You can access the Document Library from your desktop file manager via WebDAV. WebDAV is a protocol based on HTTP for managing files stored on web servers. WebDAV is...
发布日期: 2024-4-26 下午8:52
Enabling and Configuring Sharing
Enabling and Configuring Sharing The Sharing configuration allows users to share files with each other. You can enable file sharing at the Global, Virtual Instance, and Site scopes. Sharing is...
发布日期: 2024-4-26 下午8:52
Creating and Editing Documents with Google Drive
Creating and Editing Documents with Google Drive You can use Google Docs™ to create and edit text documents, spreadsheets, or presentations for storage in the Docs and Media library. When you...
发布日期: 2024-4-26 下午8:53
Editing Images
Editing Images Liferay's Documents and Media includes a built-in image editor for cropping and rotating images without switching contexts. To use the image editor, open Documents and Media, click...
发布日期: 2024-4-26 下午8:53
Creating Documents
Creating Documents Creating and Editing Documents with Google Drive Creating and Editing Documents with Microsoft Office 365
发布日期: 2024-4-26 下午8:53
Managing Metadata
Managing Metadata Defining Document Types Defining Metadata Sets
发布日期: 2024-4-26 下午8:53
Defining Metadata Sets
Defining Metadata Sets With Documents and Media, you can define reusable groups of metadata fields that can be added to custom Document Types. Once created, these Metadata Sets can be selected...
发布日期: 2024-4-26 下午8:53
Creating and Editing Documents with Microsoft Office 365
Creating and Editing Documents with Microsoft Office 365 You can use Office 365™ to create and edit text documents, spreadsheets, or presentations for storage in the Documents and Media library....
发布日期: 2024-4-26 下午8:53
Enabling DocuSign Digital Signatures
Enabling DocuSign Digital Signatures Available: Liferay Portal 7.4 GA3+ You can now integrate DocuSign digital signatures into your Liferay documents. DocuSign is a service that manages documents...
发布日期: 2024-4-26 下午8:53
Linking to Files on Google Drive
Linking to Files on Google Drive You can create files in your Document Library that link to files in Google Drive™ or images in Google Photos™. To enable this functionality, see Enabling Links to...
发布日期: 2024-4-26 下午8:53
Deleting Files
Deleting Files The Documents and Media application allows for easy deletion of files. Deleting a Single File Locate the file you wish to delete. Click the file's Actions icon (Actions) and...
发布日期: 2024-4-26 下午8:53
Organizing Content with Categories and Tags
Organizing Content with Categories and Tags Categories and Tags are two essential tools for helping users find content through search or navigation. Using Categories, you can group similar assets...
发布日期: 2024-4-26 下午8:53
Geolocating Assets
Geolocating Assets Geolocation adds the geographic coordinates where an asset was created as metadata to an asset. This feature is provided as an optional field which can be included in a Web...
发布日期: 2024-4-26 下午8:53
Session Property Vocabularies
Session Property Vocabularies Liferay DXP/Portal 7.3+ With a Session Property Vocabulary, you can create session-based Segment properties using predefined values. This option is useful when you...
发布日期: 2024-4-26 下午8:53
Translating Pages and Content
Translating Pages and Content Liferay provides integrated tools for translating both Web Content and Content Page experiences. With these tools you can manually translate text in a side-by-side...
发布日期: 2024-4-26 下午8:53
Advanced Web Content API
Advanced Web Content API Using the Liferay DXP REST services, you can create and manage your Site's structured content. Structured content is Web Content that uses a Web Content Structure. A...
发布日期: 2024-4-26 下午8:53
Web Content Articles
Web Content Articles Web content articles are dynamic content entries that can be created, edited, and managed through Liferay’s built-in content management system (CMS). These articles are...
发布日期: 2024-4-26 下午8:53
Developer Guide
Developer Guide Web Content API Basics Advanced Web Content API Managing Web Content Structures and Templates by Using the REST API
发布日期: 2024-4-26 下午8:53
Web Content
Web Content :file: ../landingpage_template.html :file: web-content/landing.html
发布日期: 2024-4-26 下午8:53
Filtering and Sorting Web Content Articles
Filtering and Sorting Web Content Articles The web content application shows a list of all the web content articles you can access under the Web Content tab. The filtering and sorting options help...
发布日期: 2024-4-26 下午8:53
Using Expiration and Review Dates in Web Content
Using Expiration and Review Dates in Web Content Available: Liferay DXP/Portal 7.4+ You can set expiration and review dates for web content articles to manage time-sensitive content. When enabled,...
发布日期: 2024-4-26 下午8:53
Assigning Permissions to Web Content Articles
Assigning Permissions to Web Content Articles With Liferay's permissions framework, you can control which users can create, view, and manage web content articles. You can set permissions for...
发布日期: 2024-4-26 下午8:53
Previewing Web Content Articles
Previewing Web Content Articles After creating a web content article, you can preview it using the selected default template or display page template before publishing, so you can make adjustments...
发布日期: 2024-4-26 下午8:53
Web Content Structures
Web Content Structures Understanding Web Content Structures Creating Structures Configuring Structure Fields Managing Structures Assigning Permissions to Structures and Templates What's New...
发布日期: 2024-4-26 下午8:53
Enabling Document Creation and Editing with Microsoft Office 365
Enabling Document Creation and Editing with Microsoft Office 365 Before you can use Office 365™ to create and edit Documents and Media files, you must configure DXP to connect with an application...
发布日期: 2024-4-26 下午8:52
DevOps Configuring Documents and Media Previews Enabling Antivirus Scanning for Uploaded Files Configuring Cache Control for Documents and Media Setting Storage Quotas for Documents and Media ...
发布日期: 2024-4-26 下午8:52



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