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Deployment Approach
Command Line Gogo Shell
Command Line Gogo Shell If you're in a development environment, you can interact with the module framework locally from the command line. Gogo shell should only be run from the command line in...
发布日期: 2024-4-26 下午8:57
Reference 7.4 Breaking Changes 7.3 Breaking Changes 7.2 Breaking Changes Exported Third-Party Packages Portal Developer Properties
发布日期: 2024-4-26 下午8:58
7.3 Breaking Changes
7.3 Breaking Changes This document presents a chronological list of changes that break existing functionality, APIs, or contracts with third party Liferay developers or users. We try our best to...
发布日期: 2024-4-26 下午8:58
Gogo Shell Commands
Gogo Shell Commands The Gogo shell executes Felix Gogo basic commands and Liferay commands. The Gogo shell is accessible in the Control Panel (recommended) and from the command line. Here are some...
发布日期: 2024-4-26 下午8:58
Micro Frontends
Micro Frontends Micro frontends extend the concept of microservices to the frontend side of development. You can build a fully-featured and powerful browser application that uses a microservice...
发布日期: 2024-4-26 下午8:58
Exported Third Party Packages
Exported Third Party Packages Liferay provides over one-hundred third party Java packages at run time. The com.liferay.portal.bootstrap module exports the packages by specifying individual packages...
发布日期: 2024-4-26 下午8:58
Building Forms with Conditional Fields
Building Forms with Conditional Fields Forms can become dynamic forms where the answer to one question may allow the respondent to skip the next three questions, or require the respondent to answer...
发布日期: 2024-4-26 下午8:58
Creating Forms
Creating Forms You can create multi-field forms with the Forms application. Only authenticated users with the requisite Process Automation Permissions can create forms. At minimum, they should have...
发布日期: 2024-4-26 下午8:58



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