Building a Custom Ticketing System

Liferay makes it easy for you to build digital solutions. For example, you can create a custom ticketing application with the styling and features needed for your business.

See the custom ticketing system sample.

Here, you’ll learn how custom ticketing system works. You’ll learn how to

  • Define a custom data schema
  • Apply a custom CSS theme
  • Deploy a custom application
  • Implement a documentation referral system

Each of these components are deployable through the use of client extensions. The configuration of each client extension is defined by its client-extension.yaml file.


Before starting, download the appropriate files and set up your system.

  1. To download the example workspace, run this command:

    curl -o\?r\=liferay-public-releases\&g\=com.liferay.workspace\&a\=com.liferay.ticket.workspace\&\v\=LATEST\&p\=zip
  2. On the command line, navigate to the liferay-ticket-workspace folder.

    cd liferay-ticket-workspace
  3. Generate a local Liferay bundle.

    ./gradlew initBundle
  4. Run the Liferay bundle.

    ./bundles/tomcat-9.0.73/bin/ run
  5. Sign in to Liferay at http://localhost:8080 using the email address and the password test. When prompted, change the password to learn.

  6. Build all the sample projects.

    ./gradlew build

In the first step, you’ll define a custom data schema.

Let’s Go!



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