Product Recommendations


Liferay supports both content- and user-based product recommendations. You can display these using Product and Order data from your Liferay instance.

To get started, see Using Product Recommendations.

There are five types of product recommendations. Each can be used in different Site contexts to engage your customers with relevant Products at every stage of their shopping experience.

  • Content-Based Product Recommendations: Recommends Products similar to the currently viewed Product.
  • User Personalized Recommendations: Recommends Products based on the purchase history of similar customers
  • Context Aware User Personalized Recommendations: Recommends Products of similar categories and the buying history of similar customers
  • “You May Also Like” Recommendations: Recommends Products based on the purchase history of all customers
  • Also-Bought Product Recommendations: Recommends Products frequently purchased with the viewed Product

Customer similarity is currently determined by their purchase histories only. Two customers are similar if they have both purchased the same product.



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