Maintaining a Liferay Installation

Starting with Liferay DXP 7.3 SP3+ and 7.4 GA1+, Liferay adopted a new release model for delivering updates and fixes. This new approach is referred to as Bundle Releases and replaces the previous model of providing partial updates in the form of fix packs and service packs. This improves security by providing customers not only with the latest Liferay DXP updates, but also the latest versions of Tomcat and other libraries in each release.

An essential part of maintaining your installation is backing it up. Please see Backing Up for details on the system components to save regularly.

As Liferay fixes bugs and adds features, you should keep up with them. See Updating Liferay for details. Subscribers can request Hot Fixes to mission critical issues confirmed in DXP.


For previous versions of Liferay, please see Updating Previous Versions of Liferay or Patching Earlier DXP Versions.



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