Configuring a Message Boards Category Mailing List

This article documents how to configure a mailing list for a message board category in a site-scoped or page-scoped message board. See the Scoping Your Message Boards article to learn how to use scopes. Globally scoped messages boards do not support subscriptions and mailing lists. Any category in a message board can have its own mailing list.


Before configuring the Message Boards app’s email lists, see the Configuring Mail article for general instructions on how to configure a mail server for the entire DXP instance.

Adding a Mailing List to a Message Boards Category

To add a mailing list to a Message Boards Category:

  1. On the Message Boards widget, click the Actions (Actions) icon next to a Category (in this example, Category 1).

    Editing a Category

  2. Click Edit to modify an existing category.

  3. Expand the Mailing List section.

  4. Switch the Active toggle to YES.

  5. Leave the Allow Anonymous Emails toggle as NO.

    Configuring a categories mailing list

  6. Enter the following:

    • Email address: The dedicated email address or alias for this category (for example:
    • Protocol: POP
    • Server Name: The mail server’s host name
    • Server Port: The port on which the mail service is running (110)
    • Use a Secure Network Connection: Check if applicable
    • User Name:
    • Password: *****
    • Read Interval (Minutes): 5
    • Email Address (Outgoing): Use the same email if you want your users to reply to the categories using email
    • Use Custom Outgoing Server: Leave blank if using a different mail server than the global default
  7. Click Save.

The mailing list is now active for this category. Users who have subscribed to this category now receive email notifications for new threads in the category.


If using the IMAP protocol for a category’s mailing list, make sure to configure the IMAP inbox to delete messages as they are pulled by the email client that sends messages to the users on the mailing list. Otherwise, each email message retained on the server is sent to the mailing list each time there’s a new post or update in the category.



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