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Deployment Approach
Amazon Simple Storage Service
Amazon Simple Storage Service Self-Hosted Only Amazon's simple storage service (S3) is a cloud-based storage solution that DXP's S3 Store uses to store files seamlessly to the cloud. Once you have...
Published Date: Apr 26, 2024 9:01 PM
File Storage
File Storage All files uploaded to Liferay DXP are stored in the instance's designated file store. This includes files uploaded using Documents and Media, as well as those uploaded using...
Published Date: Apr 26, 2024 9:01 PM
Liferay Talend Components Overview
Liferay Talend Components Overview Unsupported If you use Talend Open Studio for data integration jobs, Liferay's Talend Components make it easier to import/export data between Liferay/DXP Portal...
Published Date: Apr 26, 2024 9:01 PM
File Store Migration
File Store Migration Files can be migrated from one file store type to another. Here are some migration scenarios: Migrating from Simple File System Store to Advanced File System Store for...
Published Date: Apr 26, 2024 9:01 PM
Installing and Managing Apps
Installing and Managing Apps You can add all kinds of functionality to your DXP installation by purchasing and installing apps. Apps are available in the Liferay Marketplace, and tools such as the...
Published Date: Apr 26, 2024 9:01 PM
Using Marketplace
Using Marketplace Liferay Marketplace is a hub for sharing, browsing, and downloading apps. Marketplace leverages the entire Liferay ecosystem to release and share apps in a user-friendly, one-stop...
Published Date: Apr 26, 2024 9:01 PM
Blacklisting OSGi Components
Blacklisting OSGi Components The Component Blacklist is a convenient way to manage multiple OSGi Declarative Service Components (components). The list is an OSGi configuration that DXP uses to...
Published Date: Apr 26, 2024 9:01 PM
Configuring Portlets, Themes, and Layout Templates
Configuring Portlets, Themes, and Layout Templates The Components listing is the easiest way to configure portlets, themes, and layout templates. In the Components UI, you can enable/disable them...
Published Date: Apr 26, 2024 9:01 PM



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