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Deployment Approach
Configuring Countries and Regions
Configuring Countries and Regions By default, Liferay includes over 240 countries, but you can add countries if needed. When adding or editing countries, you can add states, provinces, or other...
Published Date: Apr 26, 2024 8:49 PM
Managing Payment Methods
Managing Payment Methods Payment methods in Liferay Commerce scoped by channel and store site. If a Liferay Commerce instance has more than one storefront hosted on the same instance,...
Published Date: Apr 26, 2024 8:49 PM
Mercanet This article details how to enable Mercanet as a payment method. Because Mercanet accepts only EUR, the store's primary currency must be EUR. Mercanet Guide Review prerequisites. Set...
Published Date: Apr 26, 2024 8:49 PM
Channels Channels represent a place where you sell products: a Liferay customer portal, a B2B marketplace, or even back office phone sales. By connecting sales channels to Liferay, sellers can...
Published Date: Apr 26, 2024 8:49 PM
Measurement Units
Measurement Units Liferay Commerce comes with a number of common measurement units already defined, but if you or your shipping provider use different units, you will need to change the default...
Published Date: Apr 26, 2024 8:49 PM
Money Orders
Money Orders Liferay Commerce has the option to enable sellers to accept money orders as a form of payment. Once this payment method is activated, buyers will be able to use money orders to...
Published Date: Apr 26, 2024 8:49 PM
PayPal This article details how to enable PayPal as a payment method. Before configuring your store to use PayPal, it is necessary to generate a PayPal Client ID and a Client Secret number. Visit...
Published Date: Apr 26, 2024 8:49 PM
Configuring Shipping Methods
Configuring Shipping Methods Liferay Commerce supports several shipping methods and carriers. Before choosing any shipping method, verify the Measurement Units that the store will use. Here are...
Published Date: Apr 26, 2024 8:49 PM
Automating Account Creation
Automating Account Creation To complete the onboarding flow, Delectable Bonsai wants to enable managers to create business accounts for approved applications easily. Each account should be named...
Published Date: Apr 26, 2024 8:50 PM
Managing Access to Data
Managing Access to Data Delectable Bonsai wants to ensure that all authorized users can submit distributor applications. They also want to allow a limited number of employees to view all submitted...
Published Date: Apr 26, 2024 8:50 PM
Adding Notification Actions
Adding Notification Actions Delectable Bonsai wants to improve visibility for new applications. They also want to automate updates for applicants, notifying them when their application is received,...
Published Date: Apr 26, 2024 8:50 PM
Adding the Form to the Apply Page
Adding the Form to the Apply Page By default, each object definition uses a layout for entry creation. Besides layouts, Liferay provides form fragments that you can map to custom objects for...
Published Date: Apr 26, 2024 8:50 PM
Adding Details to the Success Page
Adding Details to the Success Page When users submit a distributor application, the success page appears: Application Submission. Currently, this page only includes a banner image. Delectable...
Published Date: Apr 26, 2024 8:50 PM
Adding Notification Templates for Distributor Application
Adding Notification Templates for Distributor Application To this point, Delectable Bonsai's Distributor Application has no automated notifications for entry events. This means administrators must...
Published Date: Apr 26, 2024 8:50 PM
Defining a State Field
Defining a State Field Delectable Bonsai wants to define a custom state field for tracking an application's progress and triggering additional business logic. Here you'll add a picklist that...
Published Date: Apr 26, 2024 8:50 PM
Importing Fragments for the Distributor Application Pages
Importing Fragments for the Distributor Application Pages Published objects are integrated with Liferay's core frameworks, so you can map page fragments to object entries, such as form fragments...
Published Date: Apr 26, 2024 8:50 PM
Modeling Data Structures
Modeling Data Structures Your first step in writing an application is to model its data structures. This requires some brainstorming about the application you want to write: Identifying the...
Published Date: Apr 26, 2024 8:50 PM
Adding a Custom Layout and View to Distributor Application
Adding a Custom Layout and View to Distributor Application With over 50 fields, the current user interfaces for Distributor Application are no longer viable for creating and displaying entries....
Published Date: Apr 26, 2024 8:50 PM
Validating Fields
Validating Fields So far, Delectable Bonsai has no way to ensure applicants provide valid, consistent data in their applications. Here you'll add validations for Distributor Application's email,...
Published Date: Apr 26, 2024 8:50 PM
Adding Fields to the Distributor Application Object
Adding Fields to the Distributor Application Object Here you'll add general fields to the Distributor Application object for gathering additional applicant and contact information: Open the...
Published Date: Apr 26, 2024 8:50 PM



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