Product Configuration Reference

Product Details

In the Product Detail’s tab, you can configure the Product’s SEO settings, applied Categories, specifications, and more.

View and configure Product details.

General Product Details

CatalogCatalog associated with the Product; this association is permanent
NameProduct Name
Short DescriptionShort summary of the Product
Full DescriptionLonger description of the product


Friendly URLThe URL for the Product page
Meta TitleProduct title to help search engines locate your products
Meta DescriptionProduct description used by search engines
Meta KeywordKeywords used by search engines


LabelThe specification’s name
ValueThe specification’s value
GroupLinks the specification to another Specification Group
PositionDetermines display order, beginning with the lowest number


PublishedEnables the Product’s visibility and availability for sale in the Catalog
Display DateDate the Product is first made available for sale in the Catalog
Expiration DateDetermines when the Product will no longer be available, if Never Expire is unchecked
Never ExpireDetermines if a Product can be scheduled for expiration


Product Options provide a convenient way to add custom fields to your Products. They can be used to create Product variants based on attributes (e.g., size, quantity, color, material), bundles, and more. See Using Product Options to learn more.

Create Product Options.

Add OptionsField for Creating or applying existing Options to the Product
OptionsList of Options added to the Product; click on an Option to edit its settings and values


SKUs represent variants of a Product. See Creating SKUs for Product Variants to learn more.

By default, a Product’s SKUs inherit the specifications and configurations of their parent Product. However, you can override some of these configurations on an individual basis. See Overriding Product Level Information to learn more.

Generate multiple SKUs for product variants.


Users can upload product images and attachments. See Product Images and Product Attachments to learn more.

Upload images and attachments.

Product Relations

Use Product relations to connect related products. Once connected, these relations can be displayed on the product’s display page using the Product Publisher widget. See Related Products, Up-Sells, and Cross-Sells to learn more.

Set Product Relations.


Create and manage subscription options for Products. Examples include magazines, service contracts with renewal options, and regularly consumed items. See Enabling Subscriptions for a Product to learn more.

Enable Subscriptions.


By default, Products are visible across all Channels and Catalogs, you can limit visibility to specific Channels and Account Groups. See Configuring Product Visibility Using Channels and Configuring Product Visibility Using Account Groups for more information.

Managing Product visibility.



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