Using the FedEx Shipping Method

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This article details how to configure and enable FedEx as a shipping method.


Before configuring your store to use FedEX as a shipping method, have the following:

  1. FedEx business account number
  2. FedEx account password
  3. FedEx Web Services Developer Key (available from FedEx Web Services)
  4. FedEx Meter Number

Activate the FedEx Shipping Method

To activate FedEx as a shipping method for your chosen channel:

  1. Navigate to the Control PanelCommerceChannels.

    Navigating to Channels

  2. Click on the desired channel (for example, (Note that if you had used an accelerator like Minium to create your site, there is already a corresponding channel created by default.)

  3. Scroll down to Shipment Methods.

    Activating FedEx in the Portal Channel

  4. Click Edit next to FedEX.

  5. Switch the Active toggle to YES.

  6. Click the Configuration tab.

  7. Enter the following:

    • URL
    • Key
    • Password
    • Account Number
    • Meter Number
  8. Select the Dropoff Type.

  9. Check the appropriate checkboxes:

    • Use Residential Rates
    • Use Discounted Rates
  10. Check the box for the Service Type.

  11. Enter the Max Weight in both pounds and kilograms.

  12. Enter the Max Size in both inches and centimeters.

  13. Click Save.

The store is now configured to use FedEx as the shipping method.

Commerce 2.0

To activate FedEx as a shipping method for your site:

  1. Navigate to Site AdministrationCommerceSettings.
  2. Click the Shipping Methods tab.
  3. Click FedEx.
  4. Click the Configurations tab.
  5. Enter the following:
    • URL
    • Key
    • Password
    • Account Number
    • Meter Number
  6. Select the Dropoff Type.
  7. Check any of the Service Types options applicable to your business needs.
  8. Select the Packing Type.
  9. Enter the Max Weight in both pounds and kilograms.
  10. Enter the Max Size in both inches and centimeters.
  11. Click Save.
  12. Click the Details tab.
  13. Switch the Active toggle to YES.

The store is now configured to use FedEx as a shipping method. Note that the store can have multiple shipping methods enabled and as long as credentials are valid, sellers may now select FedEx specific shipping options.

FedEx Web Services Developer Guide

To add other shipping methods in Liferay Commerce using extension points:



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