Configuring the Questions App

Available: Liferay DXP/Portal 7.3+

There are two primary methods for configuring the Questions app: directly through the app configuration and through the System Settings configuration.

To configure through the application,

  1. Click on the Options icon (Options icon) of the app and click Configuration.

    Click on the configuration link of the app.

To configure through System Settings,

  1. Navigate to Control PanelSystem SettingsThird Party.

  2. Click on Questions under Widget Scope.

    Navigate to the Questions app settings in system settings.

Topic Display Style

Topics can be displayed as cards or as a list.

  1. Click on the Options icon (Options icon) of the app and click Configuration.

    Click on the configuration link of the app.

  2. Under General Settings, there is a Show Cards for Topic Navigation option.

If this is checked, the app will display separate cards for each question topic. If it is not checked, the app will display a list of all the questions.

The configuration window opens with different options.

Limiting Topic Display

Questions default display behavior is to show all Topics. You can opt to only display certain topics by configuring a Root Topic. To only display specific sub-topics or questions do the following,

  1. Click on the Options icon (Options icon) of the app and click Configuration.

    Click on the configuration link of the app.

  2. Click the Select button under Root Topic ID.

    Select an individual topic as the root topic.

  3. Select a topic and click Save. The app will now only show sub-topics and questions for the selected topic.

Managing App Permissions

To modify permissions for the app,

  1. Click on the Options icon (Options icon) of the app and click Permissions.

    Click on the configuration link of the app.

  2. A new window will open.

    Assign permissions for different roles on this page.

  3. Assign permissions for different Roles. Click Save.

Redirecting Guest Users to Login

To enable this functionality you must configure it through System Settings,

  1. Navigate to Control PanelSystem SettingsThird Party.

  2. Click on Questions under Widget Scope.

    Navigate to the Questions app settings in system settings.

  3. Check Enable Redirect to Login

  4. Guests user are now redirected to a login page when they try to click Ask Question.


A Service Access Policy needs to be created to allow Guest users to view the app.

Creating a Service Access Policy to Allow Guest Viewers

To create a new policy,

  1. Navigate to Control PanelService Access Policy. Click on the Add icon (Add icon).

  2. Give the policy a Name and Title. Click the Switch to Advanced Mode button at the bottom. Add the following two signatures under Allowed Service Signatures,


    Create a new policy and add the signatures.

  3. Click Save to save the new policy.

System Configuration Reference

Show Cards for Topic NavigationIf this is checked, the app will display separate cards for each question topic. If it is not checked, the app will display a list of all the questions.
Use Topic Names in URLIf this is checked, each topic name will be used in a more friendly URL instead of a topic ID number.
Root Topic IDThis setting is ignored.



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