Adaptive Media Modules Reference

Adaptive Media’s Modules

Some modules in the Adaptive Media app are mandatory and must be enabled for Adaptive Media to function, while others can be disabled. The Adaptive Media API modules, which export packages for the other modules to consume, are mandatory; disabling one also disables any other modules that depend on it. Here’s a list of the Adaptive Media API modules:

  • Liferay Adaptive Media API
  • Liferay Adaptive Media Content Transformer API
  • Liferay Adaptive Media Image API
  • Liferay Adaptive Media Image Item Selector API

The Adaptive Media core modules are also mandatory, and must be enabled to ensure that Adaptive Media works as expected:

  • Liferay Adaptive Media Document Library
  • Liferay Adaptive Media Document Library Item Selector Web
  • Liferay Adaptive Media Document Library Web
  • Liferay Adaptive Media Image Content Transformer
  • Liferay Adaptive Media Image Implementation
  • Liferay Adaptive Media Image Item Selector Implementation
  • Liferay Adaptive Media Image JS Web
  • Liferay Adaptive Media Image Service
  • Liferay Adaptive Media Image Taglib
  • Liferay Adaptive Media Image Web
  • Liferay Adaptive Media Item Selector Upload Web
  • Liferay Adaptive Media Web

The Adaptive Media Blogs modules, which ensure that images uploaded to blog entries can be processed and adapted, are optional. Here’s a list of these modules:

  • Liferay Adaptive Media Blogs Editor Configuration
  • Liferay Adaptive Media Blogs Item Selector Web
  • Liferay Adaptive Media Blogs Web
  • Liferay Adaptive Media Blogs Web Fragment

The Adaptive Media Journal modules are optional. These modules apply Adaptive Media to web content articles:

  • Liferay Adaptive Media Journal Editor Configuration
  • Liferay Adaptive Media Journal Web

There are two more optional modules included in Adaptive Media:

Liferay Adaptive Media Image Content Transformer Backwards Compatibility: Ensures that content created before the Adaptive Media installation can use adapted images without the need to edit that content manually. It transforms the images both at startup and when a user views the content, which can negatively affect performance. We therefore recommend that you run some performance tests before using this module in production. You can disable this module if you don’t have old content, are experiencing performance problems, or your old content doesn’t need adapted images.

Liferay Adaptive Media Document Library Thumbnails: Lets thumbnails in Documents and Media use adapted images. For this to work, you must first migrate the original thumbnails to adapted images.



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