Using Information Templates

Available 7.4+

With Information Templates, you can create FreeMarker templates for any item type that implements the Info Framework. Supported item types include Web Contents, Documents, Assets, Blogs, Categories, and Objects. Once created, you can map fragment fields to your template to determine how an item is rendered in Content Pages and Display Pages. This can help you implement a consistent style for your Site.


Information templates are only available in fragments and are not available in widgets. If you want to design FreeMarker templates for Web Content that’s displayed in widgets, use Web Content Templates.

Creating Information Templates

Follow these steps to create an Info Template:

  1. Open the Site Menu (Site Menu) and go to DesignTemplatesInformation Templates.

  2. Click the Add button (Add Button)

  3. Enter a name, select an Item Type, and (if applicable) select an Item Subtype.

    Enter a name and select an Item Type and Item Subtype.

  4. Click Save. This redirects you to the template design page.

  5. (Optional) Import an existing FreeMarker script from an .ftl file.

  6. Design your template using FreeMarker.

    You can type ${ in the editor to use the autocomplete feature.

    In the Elements side panel (Elements), you can quickly access available fields from the selected item type’s structure.

    Design your template using FreeMarker and available fields in the Elements side panel.


    The Elements side panel does not include fields based on templates (e.g., Journal Article Templates, Info Templates). This is to prevent infinite loops.

  7. (Optional) Add a description or image to the template in the Properties side panel (Properties).

  8. Click Save when finished.

Once created, Info Templates can be used in Content Display fragments and any other fragment with sub-elements that can be mapped, such as text and rich text. When selected, they determine how an item is rendered in Content Pages and Display Page Templates.

Liferay’s Headless API services are available in the template editor through the restClient object. See Calling Headless APIs in the Template Editor for usage details.

Importing and Exporting Scripts

When editing an Info Template, you can import and export FreeMarker scripts to reuse in other contexts:

  1. Open the Site Menu (Site Menu) and go to DesignTemplatesInformation Templates.

  2. Select the desired Info Template.

  3. Click the Actions button Actions Button in the Application Bar and select Export Script or Import Script.

    Select Export Script or Import Script.

When exporting, the current FreeMarker script is saved as a script.ftl file.

When importing, the selected file replaces the template’s current FreeMarker script.

Managing Info Templates

In the Templates application, you can view and manage all existing Info Templates. Each existing template is listed with its type (e.g., Web Content Article) and sub-type (e.g., Basic Web Content). You can click the Actions button (Actions Button) for a template to access the following options:

Action Description
Edit Edit the template.
Copy Create a new template with the selected template’s content.
Permissions Manage basic permissions for the template.
Delete Delete the template.

Click the Actions button to access management options.

Here you can also export and import Info Templates as LAR files to share them between Sites and environments. To do this, click the Actions button in the Application Bar and and select Export/Import.

Export and Import templates as LAR files.


By default, Info Template exports include Widget Templates. However, you can configure which templates are included in the LAR file.





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