Creating Site Templates

With site templates, you can design and configure templates for creating sites. Each template is built using the same tools as sites.


Site templates are primarily intended for maintaining pages across multiple sites. If you must create and maintain web content and other assets across sites, use asset libraries. Also, if automatic propagation is not necessary for your use case, you can export and import site data to transfer it between environments.

Follow these steps to create a site template:

  1. Open the Global Menu (Global Menu), go to the Control Panel, and click Site Templates.

  2. Click the Add button Add Button.

  3. Enter a name and description for the template.

  4. Determine whether the template is active or inactive.

    Only active templates are listed during site creation.

  5. Determine whether users can directly modify pages inherited from this template.

  6. Toggle Ready for Propagation to enable or disable automatic propagation.

    See Propagating Template Changes to learn more about automatic propagation.

    Name and configure the site template.

  7. Click Save.

Once saved, you can select the template to begin editing it.

The UI for designing the template is identical to the UI for designing sites. Just open the Product Menu (Product Menu) to access available applications and begin adding style books, page templates, pages, and more.


Pages inherited from a template cannot be deleted. You also cannot directly add child pages to them on the site level. They can only be added or removed in the site template.



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