
Available 7.4+

Accounts provide administrators with a way to organize and manage users for various commerce or business needs. Unlike organizations or user groups, accounts help facilitate interactions that might take place in business situations such as the purchasing of goods and services or managing existing customers.

There are three different account types, Business, Person, and Guest types. Business accounts all you to associate multiple users to an account. Person type accounts can only have one account associated with them. Guest accounts provide a way for unregistered users to interact with your business or site.

Creating an Account

  1. Open the Global Menu (Global Menu) and navigate to Control PanelAccounts.

  2. Click New.

  3. Give your account a name and select the type. Note that you cannot change the account type after creation.

    Give you account a name and select the type.


    Starting from Liferay DXP 2024.Q1+/Portal 7.4 GA112+, account names can be up to 250 characters long. The earlier limit was 100.

  4. Add additional information for your account such as Tax ID or description. Click Save to create the new account.

  5. After creating an account, tabs appear at the top of the page.

    New tabs appear after creating an account.

Details Tab

The Details tab displays the main information about the account such as the account name and type. A default billing address and shipping address can also be set here. Categories or Custom Fields can also be added for further customization of the account.

Addresses Tab

The Addresses tab displays the different addresses associated with the account. To add a new address, click New and fill out the address information. Then, click Save.

Fill out the address information and click Save.

See Account Addresses to learn more.

Users Tab

The Users tab displays the different users associated with the account. Note, this tab does not exist for Person type accounts or Guest type accounts. To associate a user to the account,

  1. Click New. A window shows a list of account users available to select.

  2. Select users by checking the box next to a user’s name and click the Assign button.

  3. A new user can also be created from this view. Click the Add icon (Add icon) and see an add new user page.

  4. Fill in the information for the new user and click the Save button.

  5. Any new user that was created or associated with the account is displayed in the users tab. See Account Users to learn more.

Organizations Tab

The Organizations tab displays the different organizations associated with the account. To associate an organization, click the Add icon (Add icon). Select the organization to associate and click the Assign button.

Account Groups Tab

The Account Groups tab displays the different group memberships for the account. To learn more about creating or managing these groups, see Account Groups.

Roles Tab

The Roles tab displays the different roles available for the account. Note, this tab does not exist for Guest type accounts.

To create an account role,

  1. Click the Add icon (Add icon).

  2. On the following page, give the role a title and description. Click Save.

  3. Once the role is created, you can define permissions and assign users. Click the Define Permissions tab and choose the permissions for the role.

  4. Click the Assignees tab to assign a user to the role. Click the Add icon (Add icon) to select a user and click the Assign button.

See Account Roles to learn more.

Making Changes to an Account

  1. Click the Actions icon (Actions icon) of the account you want to edit.

  2. Make one of the following selections:

    Make a selection to edit the account.

    • Edit - See and edit the account information.
    • Manage Users - Add or remove account users.
    • Manage Organizations - Add or remove organization associations.
    • Deactivate - Deactivate an account.
    • Delete - Delete an account.

    For the Person account type, there is no Manage Users functionality.

  3. Select Edit to access these options:

    Select Edit to see more options.

    • Details tab - Modify or add additional information for the account.
    • Addresses tab - Add or manage billing and shipping addresses.
    • Users tab - Add or remove account users. See Account Users for more information.
    • Organizations tab - Add or remove organization associations.
    • Account Groups tab - View the account groups the account is a part of. See Account Groups for more information.
    • Roles tab - Add or manage the different roles for the account. See Account Roles for more information.





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